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Articles from the October 10, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Envision Lincoln examines progress, goals, funding possibilities ahead of meeting on Rural Partners initiative

    Roger Dey, Blackfoot Valley Dispatch|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney and staff members from the Governor's Office of Economic Development are slated to visit with members of the Envision Lincoln team Oct. 22, as part of the fledgling Montana Main Street- Rural Partner's initiative that launched in Choteau Sept. 25. The initiative, an outgrowth of Gov. Steve Bullock's five-year-old Montana Main Street Project, is part of an effort to bridge the gap between the strong economies seen in Montana's larger cities and...

  • Irvin Dunlap

    Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Irvin Dunlap passed away peacefully at his home in Helena with family at his side. He now joins his loving wife Lorraine in heaven whom he gives credit for instilling his faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Irvin would have reached 90 years of age Oct.19. He lived a long and fulfilling life and was an inspiration to his family as well as others. He was born in Helena to Irvin "Ted" Dunlap and Annie Sloan Dunlap on Oct. 19, 1928. Irv had one sister, Annabelle M. Glenn.... Full story

  • Photos: Fun with the Follies

    Updated Oct 10, 2018

    The Lincoln Valley Chamber of Commerce brought the Brewery Follies and their politically incorrect humor to Lincoln for a second year last weekend. The show drew about 130 people, mostly from Great Falls and Missoula. It was a downturn from last year's standing-room-only crowd, but more than covered the cost of bringing the troupe to town for the evening. (Roger Dey Photos)...

  • Coming soon: Walking Out

    Jenny Rohrer, Alpine Artisans|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Beautifully filmed in Montana's Paradise Valley, the Sundance Film Festival hit, Walking Out, will provide a thrilling evening to hunters and back country enthusiasts alike. The powerfully-acted plot revolves around a hunting trip in a remote, snow-filled valley taken by a father and his 14-year old son, who have been estranged. The son, David (Josh Wiggins), lives with his mother in Texas, but comes to Montana once a year to spend time with his roughneck father Cal (Matt...

  • This is Montana: Montana's Greatest Wonder: The Missouri River (Part 2 of 5)

    Rick and Susie Graetz, University of Montana Department of Geography|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Almost immediately upon departing the Three Forks area, the newly formed Missouri is neatly tucked into a mini-gorge. Then, only 16 miles from its inception, the Toston Reservoir and Dam decelerate its flow. After traversing the "Little Gates of the Mountains," so noted on Clark's map of July 25, 1805, as "2d range of mts - little gate," near the small village of Toston, the river will soon ply the last of the big southwest valleys. Officially established when the post office...

  • I-185 would raise tobacco tax to expand Medicaid coverage

    ALINA STURGESS, Community News Service UM School of Journalism|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Montana smokers could be on the hook for an additional $2 per pack if ballot initiative Initiative 185 passes. The tobacco industry is shelling out big bucks in hopes it won’t happen. It’s a big reason your mailbox is stuffed this election season with flyers arguing its pros and cons. The initiative’s backers see its passage as a “win-win.” Higher taxes for tobacco products could discourage their use and perhaps reduce medical problems they cause. The extra money raised would help expand Medicaid, the state-federal program t...

  • Lincoln's new Grand Piano an important tool for music students

    Hope Quay, Blackfoot Valley Dispatch|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    A Kawai grand piano purchased by Blackfoot Pathways: Sculpture in the Wild and intended for the use of the community and the park has taken up residence at the Methodist church. BPSW President Becky Garland said the park decided to put rental costs to good use by purchasing a fine instrument that could be used by Lincoln School students as well as by the sculpture park and the community at large. Garland said pianist Phil Aaberg, who was a featured artist in several of this...

  • Dear Dietician: Dairy

    Leanne McCrate|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Dietitian, I recently read an article that said we should eat whole-fat dairy products like whole milk and yogurt. We've always heard that we should choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products. What gives? Signed, Laura Dear Laura, You're right; for years dietitians and physicians have warned against consuming full-fat dairy products. Skim milk and low-fat yogurt, right? Well, maybe not. In a recent study of 3,000 people age 65 or older, Otto et al. found no link between...

  • Op/Ed: I-186 Harms Montana's Economy, Vote No on I-186

    Roger Hagan|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Montana's mining industry is a bright spot in our state economy. While our state has been facing growing concerns about declining tax revenue and budget shortfalls, mining continues to be one of the largest employers and taxpayers in our state-supporting over 12,000 jobs and generating nearly $200 million in revenue for Montana. But environmental groups like the Montana Environmental Information Center have introduced a ballot initiative (I-186) that will effectively stop all...

  • Op/Ed: Distressed by Carroll's comments

    Liz Cain|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    I was deeply distressed by Dave Carroll's comments in his Mountain Musings column in the October 3 BVD. He begins with "all politics aside," and then proceeds to slam the Democrats for "abusing, degrading, and humiliating the family and person of Brett Kavanaugh." He must have missed the President of the United States doing those very things to Dr. Ford in a childish, shameful, untruthful rant that should make everyone cringe! Mr. Carroll didn't even mention Christine Ford...

  • Hazard Trees taken down on Flesher

    Roger Dey, Blackfoot Valley Dispatch|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    Working in coordination with Montana Department of Transportation crews, eight sawyers with the Lincoln Ranger District took down dozens of hazard trees along Highway 279 near the top of Flesher Pass. Lincoln District Ranger Michael Stansberry said the trees taken down were those that had the greatest potential for impacting the highway. Questions about removing the dead trees have recurred several times in the last two years, due to the high number of beetle killed trees in...

  • 4x4 RID listening session, discussion dominates Lincoln Government Day

    Roger Dey, Blackfoot Valley Dispatch|Updated Oct 10, 2018

    A listening session to discuss and take comments on a potential Rural Improvement District that would cover the cost of applying dust control to the 4x4 Road filled the meeting room at the Lincoln Library for the monthly Lewis and Clark County Commission meeting last Friday. A 4x4 Road RID has been in the works for several months, but suffered a setback in August when Commissioners denied the request to form the district after learning the boundary included a parcel of state...

  • My Smart Mouth: The return of decorative gourd season

    Hope Quay|Updated Oct 9, 2018

    We’ve reached the second week in October, and summer is over. Summer, that tantalizingly brief season of Vitamin D and seemingly endless evenings, officially ended at midnight on September 21 in North America. We made it through relatively unscathed by fire or the shaking of the earth this year and have reached that time when grasses are gilded and oftentimes rimed in frost, the leaves drift gently earthward in a palette of warm shades, wood smoke flavors the trailing edges of suddenly sharp gusts and the propane bill spikes....

  • Visions for Montana's economy clash in fight over Initiative 186

    MARTI LIECHTY, Community News Service UM School of Journalism|Updated Oct 9, 2018

    The controversy over ballot Initiative 186 seems to be about two competing visions for Montana’s future economy, and water quality underlies them both. The ballot measure, if passed, would amend the state’s 1971 Metal Mine Reclamation Act to provide for an additional $115,000 to $118,000 in annual revenue for Montana’s Department of Environmental Quality. The money would be used to analyze pollution cleanup plans in new mining permits. The initiative supported by the Yes for Responsible Mining coalition is backed by Monta...

  • Letter: Representative Beard is advocate for Lincoln Airport

    Updated Oct 9, 2018

    Lincoln First Responders and pilots at the Lincoln Airport have been working to get improvements in place that will allow flight operations in inclement weather. Representative Becky Beard has been very helpful. She has traveled to Lincoln and met several times with stakeholders. Montana aviation industry representatives are preparing a bill for the 2019 Legislative session to increase funding for the Montana Aeronautics Division (MAD) that owns the Lincoln Airport. With increased MAD funding the odds are better that the...