The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980
Sorted by date Results 751 - 775 of 872
The Montana Department of The American Legion, at its annual Fall Conference of the Executive Committee in Helena, Oct. 27, unanimously voted to oppose Initiative 185 (I-185). The Initiative would raise taxes on cigarettes from $1.70 per pack to $3.70 per pack. The Montana Department Commander, Richard Klose of Laurel said; "Our members' concerns are multiple. The greatest issue is the negative impact this Initiative would have on future funding of our veteran homes....
Dear Readers, We've all heard of trans fats by now, but what are they and what effect do they have on the body? "Trans" is a chemistry term that refers to the arrangement of molecules. In a trans formation, molecules are arranged on opposite sides of the carbon: carbon double bond. Trans fats, which are unsaturated, are found in small amounts in animal products. The big offender has been artificial trans fats, like shortening, which contained partially hydrogenated oils. The...
Every fall, about 2,000 years ago, the Celts celebrated a festival they called Shahmain (show-in). As the centuries passed, some Roman and Catholic Church activities were blended in with the Celts' culture to give us our current Halloween. In the US, a quarter of the candy sold yearly is on Halloween, which is considered one of the biggest sales day of the year, (about $6 billion,) ranking second to only Christmas. So, we capitalists have added our financial (certainly not...
Dear Readers, What images come to mind when you think of a natural food? An apple freshly picked from a tree? A loaf of bread fresh out of the oven? Fresh green beans right out of the garden? Some food manufacturers are finding themselves in hot water for labeling their foods as "natural" when maybe they're not so natural after all. Food companies are cashing in on the "natural" perception, as consumers often believe these products are better for them and are willing to pay...
Letter to the Editor, Catherine Scott is exactly the person we need to represent House District 80, a diverse part of Montana covering over 2900 square miles. Serving in the legislature is no easy task. I feel confident that with Catherine having over 26 years of experience in law enforcement and public service, including her current job as an investigator for Montana's Dept. of Justice, that she is up to the task. As she is a skilled investigator as well as a Certified Fraud...
Montana is special. That's why my wife, Susan, and I raised our four kids here. It's why we started a business here in our home – one that created hundreds of high-paying, Montana jobs. And it's why I ran for Congress – to protect our Montana way of life. I'm honored to serve as your lone voice in the U.S. House of Representatives. It's a responsibility I take very seriously. The only way I know to do this job is stay connected with Montanans where we live, work and rec...
A recent letter in the BVD expounded the virtues of Jon Tester and the supposed foibles of Matt Rosendale. If you watch TV, one side says one thing, the other side another. Unless you have followed said issues with a microscope how do you know which side is lying? Of course, you have the faction out there who believe what "their" party reports whether it be true or not. I have letters (probably form letters) from Tester telling me how he will support the 2nd Amendment and...
Dear Dietitian, My husband has just been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. We are both overwhelmed and need advice about what to do. Signed, Beth Dear Beth, A new diagnosis can often be frightening and overwhelming. Once we have a better understanding of the condition, things seem more manageable, and we begin to have direction. This may take a little time. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health conditions that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart disease an...
Today I euthanized a chicken. Nothing starts the day like a little mercy killing before breakfast, right? In case you weren’t aware, chickens are by and large conscienceless, carnivorous little jerks who will devour any flesh available to them and have been known, like junior high girls, to turn on their own in the blink of an eye. The lone Banty in our coop was always a bit of an underdog, perhaps due to her smaller size. They don’t call it a “pecking order” for nothing, and in our little brood, she was at the bottom...
As a citizen of Lincoln, I understand the value of having good law enforcement that knows our whole county, including the smaller communities. Sheriff Dutton and his wife have invested in our area by attending events, joining the Sportsmanship Club and being here for us during fires, floods and earthquakes. I have noticed when he comes to town for meetings, he spends time slowing down traffic on the highway in front of our school. All his actions are guided by his commitment...
Becky Beard who is running for re-election for House District 80 has solid experience as a one-term legislator. I served seven terms in the house and the first term is a real learning experience. Montana State government is so large it is hard to learn in one term. I feel experienced legislators do a better job in understanding the bills and making laws. Term limits have not been good for the Montana Legislature. I will vote for experience in voting for Becky Beard. I'm...
We are a group of pastors and faith leaders from many different perspectives across our great state of Montana writing to express our strong support for Initiative I-186 which is called Yes for Responsible Mining. The purpose of this initiative is to give our state the power to deny any new hardrock metal mining ( permits that would create permanent water pollution. This does not apply to coal, oil, or gas operations. This initiative is important and...
One of the greatest joys a minister of the Gospel has is to have those who sit under his teaching take the Word of God and apply it in their lives. It is satisfying when people actually read the Bible and learn what Jesus really was about. It is also something to read about how those who were opposed to him both as a teacher, and as Lord reacted to his message. Jesus was and is most concerned about the sin that separates us from his Father. This was the message Joseph heard...
Almost immediately upon departing the Three Forks area, the newly formed Missouri is neatly tucked into a mini-gorge. Then, only 16 miles from its inception, the Toston Reservoir and Dam decelerate its flow. After traversing the "Little Gates of the Mountains," so noted on Clark's map of July 25, 1805, as "2d range of mts - little gate," near the small village of Toston, the river will soon ply the last of the big southwest valleys. Officially established when the post office...
Dear Dietitian, I recently read an article that said we should eat whole-fat dairy products like whole milk and yogurt. We've always heard that we should choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products. What gives? Signed, Laura Dear Laura, You're right; for years dietitians and physicians have warned against consuming full-fat dairy products. Skim milk and low-fat yogurt, right? Well, maybe not. In a recent study of 3,000 people age 65 or older, Otto et al. found no link between...
Montana's mining industry is a bright spot in our state economy. While our state has been facing growing concerns about declining tax revenue and budget shortfalls, mining continues to be one of the largest employers and taxpayers in our state-supporting over 12,000 jobs and generating nearly $200 million in revenue for Montana. But environmental groups like the Montana Environmental Information Center have introduced a ballot initiative (I-186) that will effectively stop all...
I was deeply distressed by Dave Carroll's comments in his Mountain Musings column in the October 3 BVD. He begins with "all politics aside," and then proceeds to slam the Democrats for "abusing, degrading, and humiliating the family and person of Brett Kavanaugh." He must have missed the President of the United States doing those very things to Dr. Ford in a childish, shameful, untruthful rant that should make everyone cringe! Mr. Carroll didn't even mention Christine Ford...
We’ve reached the second week in October, and summer is over. Summer, that tantalizingly brief season of Vitamin D and seemingly endless evenings, officially ended at midnight on September 21 in North America. We made it through relatively unscathed by fire or the shaking of the earth this year and have reached that time when grasses are gilded and oftentimes rimed in frost, the leaves drift gently earthward in a palette of warm shades, wood smoke flavors the trailing edges of suddenly sharp gusts and the propane bill spikes....
Lincoln First Responders and pilots at the Lincoln Airport have been working to get improvements in place that will allow flight operations in inclement weather. Representative Becky Beard has been very helpful. She has traveled to Lincoln and met several times with stakeholders. Montana aviation industry representatives are preparing a bill for the 2019 Legislative session to increase funding for the Montana Aeronautics Division (MAD) that owns the Lincoln Airport. With increased MAD funding the odds are better that the...
As a Veteran, I am honored that this country is so dedicated to supporting those of us who have served. It's clear that this nation's commitment to help our veterans is natural and automatic. It's part of our creed, built into our culture and is one of many things that makes America so great. It's unfortunate when this instinct is taken advantage of by special interests who use veterans as political props to sway voters to support bad laws. This is exactly what's happening in...
On Aug. 12, 1805, Meriwether Lewis penned in his journals, "the road was still plain, I therefore did not dispare of shortly finding a passage over the mountains and of tasting the waters of the great Columbia this evening. At the distance of four miles further the road took us to the most distant fountain of the waters of the mighty Missouri in search of which we have spent so many toilsome days in wristless nights." Lewis was describing today's Distant Fountain Spring, part...
Dear Dietitian, A close friend of mine has recently lost thirty pounds on an intermittent fasting diet. It reminds me of crash diets that were once popular. Is intermittent fasting a good way to lose weight? Sincerely, Judy Dear Judy, Intermittent fasting (IF) is the one of the latest fads in weight loss. This is a type of weight-loss plan where one eats during certain times, then fasts for so many hours. There are always diets that claim to have the magical formula for weight...
Imagine a ballot initiative that would give every citizen in Montana $1,000 each year. That initiative would be very popular and would likely pass. But with a $1 billion price tag, it would result in a serious deficit for our state budget and require massive tax increases or cuts to other services. The authors of our Montana Constitution were wise to prevent these types of situations from occurring. Monetary appropriations by ballot initiative allow special interests to use...
On September 28, 2018, Montana Senator Jon Tester announced that he was voting "no" for Judge Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice. The FBI hasn't even started their investigation yet. A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Tester has already found him guilty. His vote has nothing to do with Kavanaugh's innocence or guilt. He was appointed by Trump, so Tester is being an obstructionist and he is following Chuck Schumer's orders. If he goes against Schumer's orders,...
Lisa and I have been on the road for over two weeks. It has been an awesome and wonderful trip. We have made new friends, renewed old friendships, and am getting to know and love our new daughter-in-law’s family. There has been a great spirit in all of our interactions with people. We have had nothing but friendship, politeness, and respect from people as we travel. People are genuinely excited about our Nation. It seems everywhere we have gone people are hopeful. There is a...