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Viewpoints / Columns

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  • Learning to Understand Conflicting Beliefs

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Jan 6, 2021

    Welcome to 2021! It’s a brand new year. One filled with promise of new things, new endeavors, and new and different beliefs. Rather than address a couple of recent letters that were published in the BVD separately, I thought I would take this opportunity to address them both simultaneously within this week’s column and hopefully give myself and others a chance to grow and see things from other points of view. Just before Christmas, there was a let-ter from Pastor Don Nie...

  • From My Perspective: A Year in Review

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Dec 30, 2020

    Remember last January, when I really began writing this column on a regular basis? Yes, January, at this point feels like yesterday, and five years ago, all at the same time. When I began writing it, my idea was to give people ideas of other perspectives besides their own and inspire people to think a little differently. Turns out, it’s also helped me to see other perspectives than my own too, which I consider a deeply valued and treasured gift. In January, we thought this c...

  • Self Care & Being the Light in Your Own Life

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Dec 23, 2020

    There has been a lot of talk in my world of Facebook, blogs, and books I’ve been gravitating to lately about “self-care.” It seems like such an easy thing, like something we should all just automatically know how to do, right? Well, I’m not exactly sure it’s as easy as it sounds. We get so buried down with the weight of work, responsibilities to our families, friends, sometimes even strangers, there’s little time, or even energy, to practice any type of self-care. By definiti...

  • Deputy's Log: Dec. 6 to Dec. 12

    Senior Deputy Robert Rivera, Lewis and Clark County Sheriffs Office|Updated Dec 15, 2020

    Lewis and Clark County 911 Center received twelve calls for service during the week of Dec. 6 to Dec. 12 in the Lincoln area. Deputies performed two traffic stops. One of those calls generated a case report last week: Deputies responded to the 500 block of Main Street Sunday, Dec. 6. Deputies observed a male who appeared under age drinking a beer. The male was identified as under age and given two notice to appears for Minor in possession and possession of a fake ID. Other...

  • From my PerspectiveL: The Blessings of What 2020 Has Taught Me

    Tammy Jordan, Lincoln|Updated Dec 15, 2020

    It’s been a year, hasn’t it? It’s been good. It’s been bad. It’s been difficult. It most definitely has NOT been easy. It’s brought sickness, loneliness, anger and depression, in ways we’ve not ever experienced before. But, it’s brought hope, too, in its own way. Hope for things to be different. It’s brought awareness. Awareness in a way that we can’t deny, about the way we’ve lived, as people, as a community, as families and as individuals. There are those who have made it th...

  • This is Montana: Philipsburg and the Flint Creek Valley: Silver and Sapphires

    Rick and Susie Graetz, Univ. of Montana Office of Research & Creative Scholars|Updated Dec 8, 2020

    In the 1860s, as large deposits of gold, silver, copper, and other valuable minerals were discovered in Granite County, many mining settlements sprung up along creek beds and mountainsides. As a reminder of that frenzied search for prosperity, today, 24 ghost towns are left scattered throughout the county. The town of Philipsburg, founded in 1867 and named for Peter Deiesheimer, is the lone survivor and remains intact and lively. The key to this longevity is an inherently beau...

  • Blessings in Disguise

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Dec 8, 2020

    The term, "blessings in disguise" is use to describe good things that happen in our lives that, at first, may not seem like a blessing at all. Losing, or even leaving a job may seem like the worst thing ever. I know; I've been there. But losing "that" job may have opened a door that normally would have remained closed, or offered you a different path leading you to something better or more fulfilling. That's what happened to me. I had a job I liked very much at the University...

  • From my Perspective: Counting Your Blessings

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Dec 1, 2020

    Welcome to December! While I always view November as a month devoted to gratitude and Thanksgiving, December is the month I remember all of the blessings in my life as I prepare again for a new coming year. A lot of people think gratitude and blessings are one in the same. It can feel this way, and that's not a bad thing – it's good to have both in our lives, but by definition this is how they differ: according to the Meriam Webster dictionary, gratitude is the quality or feel...

  • From My Perspective: Gratitude Comes in the Moments

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Nov 25, 2020

    In December, I'll be moving into the theme of blessings, but for my last column in November, I want to continue my thoughts on gratitude. Something that seemed so random ran into me like a freight train this weekend. I've heard the words "be present" and "live in the moment" before, but never, in all of my life, have those words smacked me right across the face as they did on Saturday. I'm sure you've seen or heard those words, hundreds of times, right? So have I, and until...

  • From My Perspective: Finding Gratitude Among the Loss

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Nov 18, 2020

    I’ve been writing about gratitude for the past couple of weeks. We’ve also experienced a lot of loss in Lincoln over the last several months. Like many others, these losses have left me feeling incredibly sad. Rather than focus on the sadness, and probably because I’ve been hyper-focused on being grateful, I thought I would offer my own tribute to some of those we’ve lost who have impacted me along the way, and to remind myself and others not to focus on the loss, but rather t...

  • From My Perspective: Gratitude Continues

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Nov 10, 2020

    Last week, my column focused a lot on gratitude, which I'm going to continue with through the month of November. It just seems like the right month to do it. I'm wondering if anyone accepted my invitation to write ten things you were grateful for over the last week or start writing in a gratitude journal? Of those who did, is anyone planning to continue for the month, and maybe even beyond that? Did you notice anything different in the way you felt, or how things around you...

  • From My Perspective: November, A Month of Gratitude

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Nov 3, 2020

    November, of course plays host to Thanksgiving. For me, it's a sign that "fall" is really here. There is a quote I've seen over the last few years that says, "The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go." Maybe that's why I think of fall as more of my new year, and a time of year that signifies new beginnings. What better way to start anew than to let go of the old? As I began writing my column for this week, it occurred to me that with the weight of...

  • From My Perspective: Questions in Life

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Oct 28, 2020

    What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Would you start a business, raise a family, fulfill a dream of yours or someone else, foster world peace, find a cure for cancer or find another way to make a difference? Maybe you would become the person you have been afraid to be and live your own dream, rather than that of someone else’s expectations for you. What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world? Would you travel, live in your dream home, b...

  • Deputy's Log Oct. 11-24

    Senior Deputy Robert Rivera, Lewis and Clark County Sheriffs Office|Updated Oct 27, 2020

    Lewis and Clark County 911 Center received fifty-seven calls for service during the weeks of Oct. 11 to Oct. 24. Deputies performed three civil services in the Lincoln area. Two of those calls generated a case report in the last two weeks: A deputy took a sexual assault complaint in the Lincoln area Monday, Oct. 19. The investigation was turned over to the Criminal Investigation Division. A deputy responded to Highway 200 near Hogum Creek for a welfare check Monday, Oct. 19....

  • From My Perspective: How Do We Come Back?

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Oct 20, 2020

    Rather than writing yet another piece about how divided we all are, I thought maybe it was time to start writing more about coming back together. Coming back together for the good of our town, for the good of our country, for the good of our families, and for the good of us all as individuals. It seems strange to talk about the good of individuals when talking about coming back together as a group, but truly, on an individual level is where it all begins. It starts with each...

  • From My Perspective: Spinning Together and Overcoming Fears

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Oct 14, 2020

    So, this past week I participated in a worldwide spinning competition. I've done this every year since 2013 during the first week of October. That week is known as National Weaving and Spinning week. In past years, the competition was run by The National Needlework Association and was called "Spinzilla." Two years ago, the TNNA decided they would no longer be hosting the competition and a couple of individuals got together and began "Spin Together." A couple of people who had...

  • From My Perspective

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Oct 8, 2020

    Nowadays, we have labels for everything, and everyone. The labeling has separated and divided us. Instead of being human, we are now labeled based on our skin color, religious beliefs, political beliefs, sexual preference or orientation, beliefs about the environment, the friends we keep, and the hobbies we engage in. We have labels that define our status in the world based on our income. Upper class, middle class, lower class, or upper echelon, blue collar, and impoverished....

  • From My Perspective

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Sep 30, 2020

    Where in the world did our summer go? If you're anything like me, the list of the "stuff to get done before the snow flies," is still as long as it was at the beginning of summer. I had such high hopes for getting things done, being organized and ahead of the game. Instead, it's the end of September and I want to know where the summer went. I know a lot of people have blamed a lot of things on COVID this year, and rightfully so, but somehow I don't think I can lay this one on...

  • From My Perspective: The Promise of a Quiet Morning

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Sep 23, 2020

    In general, I'm a pretty early riser. I've always been this way. When I was younger, there were animals that needed caring for before heading off to school, and in the summertime, they needed caring for before the heat of the day set in. When I was a new mother, it was the hour of silence before my kids woke up, giving me time to think and plan for the day ahead. When I was a young working mother who decided to go back to college, those two quiet hours before anyone in the...

  • From My Perspective: The Change of Seasons

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Sep 17, 2020

    Where I grew up in Southern Cal-ifornia, I remember learning about seasons in elementary school. The teacher had it up on a bulletin board. Winter began in December and end-ed in February. March through May was springtime, June through August brought the heat of summer, and Sep-tember through November equaled fall. Honestly, in Southern California, I feel like seasons are more of a myth than a reality, but it was some-thing we all learned about in school nonetheless. When I...

  • From My Perspective: The Meaning of Friendship

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Sep 10, 2020

    It’s said that if you have one good friend, you have been blessed. I’ve been blessed with very good friends, and some not-so-great friends throughout my life. I’ve learned lessons from both and I’m grateful. I’ve unfortunately had to learn the same lesson from those not-so-great friends on repeated occasion. And, sometimes, it’s been my really close friends who point it out and help me through some of those repeatedly difficult lessons to learn. As most of you who know me kno...

  • From My Perspective: Music to my ears

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Sep 2, 2020

    My musical taste is eclectic to say the least, and I have many people to thank for my wide variety of musical likes. To start, I come from a long line of music in one sense or another. My grandparents, my parents, aunts, uncles, school, friends and, well, even myself. When I was very young, I remember listening to "The Day the Music Died" and "Cats in the Cradle" because they played on a small radio that sat on my parent's dresser while I helped my mom make the bed. My Uncle...

  • From My Perspective: Life is all about choices

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Aug 25, 2020

    Let’s face it, life is all about choices. The ones we make, the ones that are made for us, and even the ones we don’t make, which technically are still a choice. There are everyday choices, like what do I wear or what do I have to eat, to life-changing choices, like do I take this new job, or do I move across the country or marry this person, and every choice in between. We’re making choices from the time we are very young, usually right up until the time our lives on earth ar...

  • From My Perspective: Taking a day off

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    This past week, I enjoyed not one, but two days off. It's been awhile since I've had two in a row. It was glorious. I slept in, spent time with my other half and our pets at home. He and I got out briefly on the back of his motorcycle, and I spent a long afternoon in the saddle with my horse. For me, these days are treasures as they are so few and far between. I'm working to change that. Everyone I meet reminds me how busy I am. And I am, but not nearly as busy as I was even...

  • Jewels of the Sky: Hummingbirds of Western Montana

    Jackie Bussjaeger, This is Montana Editor|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    Hummingbirds are stunning creatures: not only for their jewel-like beauty and gravity-defying aerial acrobatics but also for their sheer fortitude. Every fall, they migrate thousands of miles to Mexico or Central America. Their wings thrum at up to 80 beats per second. When they sleep, their body drops into a state of torpor: their heartbeat and breathing slow to a state almost near death. Yet when they awake, their first order of business is hovering about trees and...

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