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Viewpoints / Opinion

Sorted by date  Results 139 - 163 of 393

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  • Op-Ed: Shoulder seasons not meant for public lands

    Tom Puchlerz, President, Montana Wildlife Federation|Updated Jul 28, 2021

    In Montana private land elk hunting is moving toward 11 weeks for people who can pay thousands of dollars for trophy bulls, while others are left to hunt cows in deep snows and bitter cold when they're struggling to survive the winter. That's the proposal of the Gianforte administration, one that extends "elk shoulder seasons" through Feb 15 annually, and onto your National Forest in 19 hunting districts. This proposal is ill conceived, premature and not in the interest of...

  • Letter: Environmentalists caused a problem

    Updated Jul 21, 2021

    The environmental groups have caused a serious problem. Every time the Forest Service plans to remove the beetle killed trees while the trees are still good for lumber, the environmental groups get a lawsuit in court until the trees are no longer any good, then they drop the lawsuit. We now have deadfall on top of deadfall. It's no wonder bears are coming into town, they couldn't get to the berries if there were some. I watched a gentleman and a young lady on NBC News who...

  • Op-Ed: Protect and Enhance Montana's Economy: Don't Mine the Headwaters of the Smith

    William S. Broadbent Sr., Co-owner Double Cross Land and Cattle Co. LLC|Updated Jul 8, 2021

    While not of the gun-slinging Wild West lore, there is a battle being waged in Montana. The future of the Smith River and the health of the surrounding water quality and habitat is at stake. If Montanans lose, the casualty will be the natural resources that set Montana apart. In April, Montana green-lighted construction of the Black Butte copper mine north of White Sulphur Springs. This location is troublesome as it is adjacent to and directly underneath Sheep Creek, the most...

  • Op/Ed: What to the Conservative is Juneteenth?

    Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Montana|Updated Jun 30, 2021

    In theory there is nothing wrong with a celebration of emancipation. The freeing of the slaves was one of the great steps forward for this country, an end to the darkest chapter in American history. But we don't live in theory. Our politics happens in practice, and in practice the vote that elevated "Juneteenth National Independence Day" to the status of a federal holiday is a disaster for those who hold that our country is good, our Constitution a great charter of liberty,...

  • Op/Ed: Legislature backed commercialization of public wildlife

    Tom Puchlerz, Stevensville|Updated Jun 30, 2021

    I, like so many Montana hunters, have been blessed to enjoy a lifetime of world-class hunting and fishing. It's why so many of us live here, and it speaks to the decades of work that Montanans have put into conserving and managing our public wildlife for the benefit of everyone. But after this legislative session, it is clear that Montana is on a different path, one that disregards science and places the ability for some to profit off of our wildlife as the highest priority....

  • AG and OPI are right: Racial discrimination has no place in Montana

    Rep. Sue Vinton, R-Billings|Updated Jun 23, 2021

    A recent thoughtful and well-reasoned Attorney General's Opinion on "critical race theory" from Austin Knudsen has people on the left stamping their feet and pulling out their hair. The Montana Democrats' spin machine is on full blast to justify racial discrimination in Montana schools, universities, and workplaces. In defense of the controversial teachings, liberal lawyers, legislators, and editorial boards are arguing that actively being racist is the only way to make sure...

  • Letter: Ivermectin

    Updated Jun 16, 2021

    To the Editor: It has been known since early in the COVID-19 pandemic that Ivermectin can ameliorate the disease, shorten the course and reduce deaths. If, as in other countries, it had been allowed as a preventative prior to vaccine availability, more than 100,000 US lives could have been saved. Ivermectin is not a cure but its way ahead of whatever is in second place. In my opinion, the authorities who publicly discouraged the use of Ivermectin were absent without leave....

  • Op/Ed: Connecting Montana to opportunity

    Sen. Jason Ellsworth, R-Hamilton|Updated Jun 16, 2021

    The world is changing faster than ever before. If we want Montana to continue to be a place where you can make a living and raise a family, we must build the infrastructure we need to seize the opportunities of the modern economy. Right now, Montana ranks as the worst state for broadband Internet connectivity. That's a problem we have to fix. Reliable access to high speed Internet doesn't just matter to high tech businesses and telecommuters; nearly every piece of our economy...

  • The Cost of Living

    Tammy Jordan|Updated Jun 9, 2021

    Has anyone else notices the slight yet growing cost of everything lately, or is it just me? Everything from food prices and gas prices to the ridiculous cost of building materials and more. I’m one of those “track my money” folks because I live on a budget. I know how much money I bring home from my various jobs. I know what should go into savings, what I have to spend on necessities like food, clothing, gas, pet needs, etc., and how much “fun money” I have to do with as I...

  • Guest Editorial: Against Leftwing Extremism in the Military

    Matt Rosendale -R, U.S. Representative Montana|Updated Jun 9, 2021

    Our institutions aren't what they once were. Opinion polls show overwhelmingly that trust in the government, in Congress, and in business has fallen in previous years and remains low. One exception is the military, which is consistently among our most respected institutions. This reputation has been hard-won, over decades of apolitical service to the nation. Americans recognize that service by honoring our servicemen and women, and extending our armed forces enormous respect...

  • Opinion: Montana Has a Supreme Problem!

    Sen. David Howard - R, Montana SD 29|Updated Jun 2, 2021

    Our Supreme Court justices must think they are the executive branch and the legislative branch all rolled into one! They may even believe they are the new oligarchy in charge of Montana. Whatever their problem, it is manifesting itself in executive and legislative authority being usurped by Montana's Supreme Court. The examples are legion of our judiciary overstepping their authority. Consider this: can you imagine the Supreme Court of Montana threatening the Montana Attorney...

  • Op/Ed: Legislature expanded education opportunities for Montana families

    Updated May 19, 2021

    Education has been one of the most disrupted sectors by COVID-19. The ripple effects of school closures and remote learning have further put pressure on families and our economy. The Legislature responded by giving more flexibility to students, families, and educators to engage in individualized learning. We began the session by providing local school boards with stability as they were beginning their annual budgeting process. House Bill 15 which provides an inflationary...

  • Op - Ed: Snow Warriors support Lincoln Prosperity Proposal

    Updated May 19, 2021

    This past snowmobile season started out a little slowly here in Lincoln. Snow was thin but stoke was high, and as soon as the clouds started dumping, we started riding. Snowmobiling is a way of life here; it's a family-friendly activity, a way to socialize with your friends, it gives us all an opportunity to blow off some steam while benefitting from great outdoor physical activity and is a great way to experience Montana wilderness in the winter. As Lincoln and the...

  • Guest Editorial: Support needed for bill critical to local journalism's future

    Montana Newspaper Associatio|Updated May 11, 2021

    Fairness is not a partisan issue. Fairness is the goal of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act currently being considered in the United States Congress. The bill has bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. H.R. 1735 / S.673 is critically important to protecting the future of high-quality, local journalism in Montana and across our nation. Support is growing for the legislation, yet much more needs to be done before it can become law....

  • Comments on congress: Summing Up Democracy

    Lee Hamilton, Indiana University Center on Representative Government|Updated May 5, 2021

    It's so easy, in the course of our day-to-day lives, to get caught up in the political preoccupations of the moment. What's the Senate going to do about the filibuster? How should infrastructure money be spent? Is the country going to come out of this year as badly divided as it started? These and many other questions matter a lot-but sometimes, it's helpful to step back and take stock of what we've learned over the course of our history. I've been thinking about this because...

  • Letter: Racism Hysteria 2021

    Updated Apr 30, 2021

    18, two children in Salem; having delusions, muscle spasms and vomiting, accused women of bewitching them. Hysterical hunts found witches. Trials were held and women imprisoned and hung. 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy, amid the Communist Hysteria of the time, accused many people of communism. Being a Communist was not illegal, but accusations were enough to ruin personal and professional lives which was his goal. Ironically, the accused were usually liberals. Amid racism...

  • Letter: A Heads Up

    Updated Apr 22, 2021

    In September, a thirty acre piece of ground along Highway 200 just west of the MDT equipment shop at about milepost 68.5 was sold to "Lost Moose Meadows" a business partnership that proposes to build an RV campground there. Plans, which we have seen, were filed with the Montana Department of Transportation. As the land owners immediately to the west of this property, we want to bring your attention to some of the problems it poses. We're sure that many of you will agree with...

  • Guest Opinion: Bills mix Socialism, Crony Capitalism

    Brian Schweitzer, Former Montana Governor|Updated Apr 14, 2021

    I didn't study political science in college. I'm a soil scientist. So when people sling political terms around, I have to look them up in Webster's Dictionary. Webster writes that "socialism is when government takes over the means of production". Webster's says that "crony capitalism" occurs when business thrives not because of risk, but because of a cozy nexus between the business and the political class to make money for the corrupt. Communism, like Russia, is a perfect...

  • Guest Editorial: Targeted COVID Package Will Reopen Our Economy

    Sen. Jon Tester - D, Montana|Updated Mar 31, 2021

    One year into this pandemic, Montanans are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our vaccines are safe and effective, COVID cases are falling thanks to the tireless efforts of our frontline health care workers, and Spring is on the horizon. But even with this good news, we still have work to do before we get through the worst public health and economic crisis in generations. Over the past year I've had hundreds of conversations with families, workers,...

  • The Free Money Game: When Will Republicans Wise Up?

    Roger Koopman, Bozeman|Updated Mar 31, 2021

    Every election cycle, you can count on Republican candidates promising to reduce the size and cost of government, and in general, getting government out of our businesses and out of our daily lives. Yet as every session of the legislature demonstrates, that pledge – for the majority of Republican lawmakers – has a distinctly hollow ring. Not unlike their Democratic counterparts, the GOP’s commitment to controlling government and reducing welfare dependency is highly selective. For their friends, the free money game conti...

  • Commentary: Our legislative authority is being usurped

    Sen. David Howard -R, SD-29 Park City|Updated Mar 23, 2021

    President Abraham Lincoln once said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." The question is are we destroying ourselves? To answer we need to ask, has our form of government changed? Some would say we're a democracy based on the majority vote. I say correctly we're supposed to be a Constitutional Republic based on the rule of law. But today, both are inaccurate. The truth is we are...

  • Coments on Congress: Our Country Rests on People Doing the Right Thing

    Lee Hamilton, Indiana University Center on Representative Government|Updated Mar 3, 2021

    As the events of the past few months have unfolded, I have often found myself wondering what our Founders would have made of it all. Impossible to know, of course, but they had plenty of insight to offer. In particular, I keep returning to these lines from James Madison. He delivered them during the Virginia convention to ratify the Constitution, arguing that the surest safeguard against legislators and a government bent on malfeasance is the people themselves. "I go on this...

  • Letter: Duh!!!

    Updated Mar 3, 2021

    In an attempt to block a punt, the defender jumps toward the kicker to block the ball. Untouched, the kicker falls as if struck by lightning. Why? Fool the referee; draw a penalty; defeat the other team. Dishonest, unethical, of course; but winning trumps honesty or integrity. TV announcers cannot call this a "football move": suggestion; call it a: "Democrat move". Anyone observing even five minutes of Democrats impeaching Trump or talking about their fears of fellow...

  • Letter: Thank You for Local Healthcare

    Updated Mar 3, 2021

    I wanted to take a moment to write a word of thanks to our local medical folks at the Purview Clinic here in Lincoln. After several months of getting the run-around from doctors in Helena and Missoula, I reached out to the team here in Lincoln, hoping they could help me in some way. They handled things, communicated and were able to get done inside of 24 hours more than any of the "specialists" had been able to help me within six months. I had an appointment there on...

  • Op/Ed: Legislature's attack on public hunters

    Nick Gevock, Montana Wildlife Federation|Updated Feb 17, 2021

    The Montana Legislature is leveling one of the most aggressive attacks on public hunters we've ever seen under the guise of protecting gun rights. HJ 5, sponsored by Rep. Brad Tschida, R-Lolo, states that taxing firearms is unconstitutional, and unenforceable. Apparently, Rep. Tschida and supporters of this measure don't like Montana's abundant wildlife, the habitat that supports it and the world-class hunting we all enjoy. That's because we've had a tax on firearms for 84 yea...

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