The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980
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Who's tired of hearing about coronavirus? The last few weeks have been a challenge for everyone, with so many stories, so much uncertainty and myriad updates from every corner revolving around COVID-19. We hope the reopening of the state will inch us toward something resembling normal, and we're looking forward to covering stories that aren't centered around coronavirus. Nevertheless, we recognize we're far from seeing the end of the pandemic, and we may see restrictions...
During this coronavirus pandemic, access to accurate and trustworthy information in your community is as critical to life under quarantine and as sought after as hand sanitizer and face masks. Your local newspaper provides the news and information unique to your community. Where are the testing sites and who's eligible, which businesses are open, what is the local online unemployment benefit application process, and much more. But your access to local news and information is... Full story
I'd like to take a few moments and thank several people and organizations who helped make this Easter a special one for our kids in Lincoln. First, to Lincoln Fire and Rescue and the Power House for supplying candy, trinkets and eggs to fill egg packs that were distributed to more than 60 kids in the community this past Friday, and to Zach Muse and Rick & Patty Freeland for going into town and purchasing all those supplies. I'd like to thank Laura Butler and Linda Daugherty fo...
HELENA, MT – Local Government is at the front lines of the COVID-19 response, including our law enforcement, health departments, health officers, county-owned medical facilities, and through our work with local private providers and facilities. Montana's counties are working hard to ensure continuity of operations and service delivery during this nation-wide pandemic while keeping the public as safe as possible. County operations are being modified to comply with protective m... Full story
To the Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Crew, Thank you so much for taking time on Easter to be away from your family to do something sweet for the community. You didn’t get to see the people inside confused as to what was happening and then smiling from ear to ear when we figured it out. You guys are a blessing to Lincoln and we are thankful for you! T and Crew on behalf of the Lincoln Community...
For those of us old enough to remember or to watch reruns of the 1950s classic Dragnet, we can easily recall Sgt. Friday's quote, "Just the facts, ma'am." That quote became locked into America's lexicon, highlighting a simple ask of all of us to be honest with each other. The facts unfolding before us regarding COVID-19 are no different. The risks are real. Epidemiologists have estimated the virus will attack 30 to 40 percent of us, and five percent of those cases will be...
Easter, the day that changed the course of the world for the better. Take a moment to reflect what this world would be like had this not happened. You would not be reading this, as there would be no U.S.A. May God be with you on your travels. Mike Dey Missoula...
To the editor, Roger, Erin and staff of the BVD! First of all, I’d like to say thank you for the last eight years you have given us folks in Lincoln! I have read the paper for 25 years since I have lived in Lincoln! A couple of years ago I retired and let me tell you, if it wasn’t for the BVD, I wouldn’t know anything going on in town! I don’t have a computer or cell phone or satellite TV, so the BVD is a vital source of information to me. And since I retired, other than the BVD, my only other info comes from standing in line...
Go ahead and worry and ask questions. I learned that dealing with the cancer. The same thing can apply to Corona virus. Write down your concerns and seek answers. If you don’t write them down, you forget and the worry builds up. This simple thing can help you to not get sick. Like in a fight, lay back, be patient and learn your opponent’s weakness. Then turn it loose and knock the bugger out! COVID-19, we’re going to knock you out. Pepe Lincoln...
The COVID-19 virus isn’t stopping education in Lincoln! While checking in with Superintendent Jennifer Packer on Monday, she relayed that Lincoln’s school students are engaging in remote education. She noted that those students who hadn’t had access to the internet are being connected through the Lincoln Telephone Company, free of charge. My next visit was with Aaron Daniel, Manager of the Lincoln Telephone Company. He confirms that the schools have provided him with a list of students not currently connected, and if those...
As business executives, you have a deep connection with your communities, partners, customers, and employees. It’s your businesses, both large and small, that power Montana’s economy. As concerns and economic impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) get closer to home, please know that my state agencies and I are working tirelessly to keep Montanans safe, and to support you and your employees. I have created a multi-agency task force, to ensure Montana is prepared to respond to a local COVID-19 outbreak. This task force an... Full story
Every ten years we are asked to do one of the easiest, safest, and most important things we can do for our communities: fill out our census form. Since 1790, per Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, the census has determined how federal dollars reach communities like ours, as well as ensuring those communities have a voice in Montana and our nation's capital. When you are counted, your community is counted. Starting in mid-March, Montanans will receive...
Dear Lincoln Ambulance Crew and our Fire Chief Zach Muse, Aaron Birkholz, Ernie Lundberg, Klara Varga, and Kristy Fry. We, here in Lincoln are so lucky to have these people taking care of us Last Saturday, I called Zach asking him to come check me out, he called the Ambulance crew. I believe they saved my life. Words are not enough to thank these people, but words are all I have. So, to Zach and the Ambulance crew…THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH. Sincerely, Rich Dempsey...
Some days, as a mother, are harder than others. There are minutes, hours, days, and even weeks that may seem insurmountable; a simple joy found in an unexpected place can lighten an entire month and bring you lasting memories of happiness and warmth when your children are grown and carrying on with their own lives. I felt inspired to chronicle one such moment with my oldest son Caleb. I have an outdoor plot at the Lincoln community garden at the east end of town. Since having my new baby in July, there have been a few...
Dear Editor: I watched the Prayer Breakfast and this is how I would have started it: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we also have forgiventhoise who trespass against us.’ The word of the lord is good enough for me/ Nancy Pelosi, I forgive you and will never bring the impeachment up again. So let us move forward and make this a nation God would be proud of and the world env...
Democrats claim taxing the "rich" is the way to help the middle class and poor. That the rich get rich by taking wealth from others. Norm would have said "idiots"! Bill Gates and Paul Allen; worth Billions, created an operating system for computers enabling the average person computer operation. Millions use his product on phones, tablets, computers, etc. for personal and business use. Microsoft products and stock have created millions of jobs, businesses and many...
When he was just a young teenage schoolboy, George Washington sat down and copied out 110 "Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior." Many of these had to do with simple manners. "Cleanse not your teeth with the tablecloth, napkin, fork or knife," reads Rule 100. Good advice at any time. But the first rule the future president wrote down and followed for the rest of his life was especially notable: "Every action done in company, ought to be with some sign of respect to those that...
The Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks is now formally recommending the introduction of free-roaming bison in Montana after the release of a long-awaited environmental impact statement. It's a move that dramatically intensifies conflict over wildlife management in Montana. And worse, it's a sobering message to the thousands of Montanans who provide habitat to wildlife. FWP has made clear it would rather advance the agenda of a radical, out-of-state environmental...
Sending a little Hey Howdy Hey of thanks to all the wonderful folds who make the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Thrift Store what it is today. Coordinator Diane Ironi started this little store ten years ago in the Methodist Church garage. She wanted to be able to help people out and make money for the community. And all proceeds that are made do just that. Along with the help of her dedicated volunteer’s Becca O’Leary, Joyce Ferguson, Rosaire Hoffman, Ron Lydiard, Susie Ruff, Syl...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has a rich history of working with the people of this state to restore elk, moose, mountain goats, bears, wolves, lions, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, and other wildlife species that had all but disappeared by the early half of the 20th century. One reason for these successes is the landowners who steward habitat and provide hunting access and the hunters who pay for wildlife management agree that Montana is a state defined by healthy and abundant...
Seven days ago we celebrated the birth of Christ. Some 30 years later, Christ was crucified, which gave rise to the Christian religion. We also adopted the Ten Commandments as part of our religion that changed the course of the world for the better. We just observed one of the holiest days in our religion, So now I ask you, how many at this impeachment claim to be Christian and how many follow this commandment: Thou Shalt not bear false witness? Have a Happy New Year. Mike Dey Missoula...
To me, it was a thunderclap. Years ago, when I was in Congress, we were in the midst of a tense, contentious debate. Members had gotten irritated, levying charges back and forth, and tempers were rising. It was starting to look like we might just go off the rails. Then one member stood up, asked for our attention, and said to us, "Let's remember: trust is the coin of the realm." His statement at that moment hit me broadside: If we were to have any hope of progress, we had to...
A little over a month ago, Dr. Carter at St. Patrick’s, spent three-and-a-half hours on my left lung surgery. It still hurts, but not as much as that next night in ICU. I had to cough up some mucus, if not, you get sick. The nurse sat with me for an hour, she kept saying it’ll come, it’s getting closer – even holding my hand at times. I couldn’t have done it without her. The pain was intense, but after that I knew it could be done. Had two nurses that night, watched the last game of the World Series with them. I find base...
Martha Williams MTFWP Rich Janssen CSKT Natural Resources Dept. Montanans from all walks of life have a deep connection to our state’s fish and wildlife. Those of us lucky enough to live here and visitors from all over the world enjoy unmatched hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching opportunities. Fish and wildlife don’t see government borders, and the state of Montana shares authority to manage wildlife with Montana’s tribal nations. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks works in partnership with tribal agencies like the Natur...
One of the not-so-small gifts of living in a representative democracy is that you can’t accomplish things alone. Whether you’re trying to get a stop sign put up on a dangerous corner or to change US policy on greenhouse gas emissions, you have to reach out to others. And learning how to persuade, motivate, and involve them — learning the skills of active citizenship, in other words — makes this a stronger, more resilient country. So I want to make a case for building and usi...