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Viewpoints / Opinion

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  • Letter: What lives in the swamp

    Mike Dey, Missoula|Updated May 30, 2018

    Dear Editor: President Trump wants to drain the swamp. What lives in the swamp? Leeches, they only suck blood (money) and contribute nothing. In the real world they are called Democrats....

  • Letter: Rodeo time again

    Mike Mullins, Lincoln|Updated May 30, 2018

    And again, with no improvements on the grounds. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, the Forest Service had firefighters camped on the Rodeo grounds and paid big money for this service. In 2017 alone, the Rodeo Club should have made well over $50,000.00. I was hoping to see some more bleachers with shade and maybe shade over the existing bleachers. Sitting on a hill side in the hot sun is no fun. The Rodeo Club should be self sufficient so therefore the monies made from the Forest Service should be free and clear and as a non-profit...

  • Letter: Agrees woodcutters need to keep it clean

    Joyce Ferguson, Lincoln|Updated May 23, 2018

    I would like to reiterate the comments of Dennis Conkle in the Blackfoot Valley Dispatch’s May 9, 2018 paper about wood cutters and gatherers keeping the roads and ditches clear of all brush and logs at the end of your wood gathering. Road maintenance is contagious. My husband’s and my experience with wood gatherers on Moon Drive is unfortunately disappointing. Many gatherers leave brush and sticks and logs in the road and in the ditches which we must clear. This hampers snowplowing efforts and on one occasion caused a fri...

  • Letter: Tester an obstructionist

    Mike Mullens, Lincoln|Updated May 23, 2018

    Montana Senator Jon Tester ruined a mans reputation by taking a handful of rumors and running to CNN without first verifying their validity. A professional would have went to the committee and brought up the rumors. In a commercial, Tester holds up eight fingers. That stands for eight years that he hid from view under Obama. He voted as Harry Reid demanded and now he follows Chuck Shumer’s lead. His votes have no concern for Montana’s needs or wants. In another commercial, a group of ‘hopefully’ veterans brag about all the...

  • Letter: Community lucky to have first responder volunteers

    Renee Lundberg, Lincoln|Updated May 23, 2018

    I do not know if this community really knows how fortunate & lucky we all are that we have so many dedicated Ambulance & Fire Volunteers. They are on call 24-7. I hope people realize these volunteers drop everything to respond. There are many breakfasts, family dinners & family activities they miss to serve the Lincoln Community and help the Helmville volunteers. I am not sure we could have a viable community if we did not have our Medical Center, Ambulance & Fire Facilities. I hear that someday soon the older ambulance will...

  • Public lands poll misses mark on WSA question

    Sen. Fred Thomas - R, Stevensville - SD 44|Updated May 16, 2018

    A poll on public lands from the University of Montana generated quite a bit of controversy recently. In fact, most of the poll was a yawner-it found Montanans really like our public land, want more public input on its management, and recognize that it benefits our economy. In other news, Montanans strongly support mom and apple pie too. Really only one question generated all the controversy. It had to do with Wilderness Study Areas has been criticized as being slanted and misl...

  • Who's managing Montana's budget?

    Greg Hertz, HD 12-Polson|Updated May 9, 2018

    Governor Bullock and his surrogates, most recently Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney, have been pushing the narrative that Republicans are the ones to blame for Montana’s short-term budget problems. The Montana Legislature has only one constitutional requirement and that is to establish a balanced budget. It first starts with estimating revenue for the next budget cycle. The legislative staff works with the Governor’s budget office and spends many hours working to establish a re...

  • CSKT Compact outlasts false attacks

    orents Grosfield and Tom Beck, FARM Co-chairs|Updated May 8, 2018

    In the past few months, judicial and regulatory bodies alike have concluded that the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes Water Compact is unquestionably the best way to secure existing water rights for the use of future generations of Montanans. The CSKT Water Compact is an agreement negotiated and enacted by the State of Montana to ensure the equitable use of Montana’s water resources and protect the existing water rights of Montanans both on and off the Flathead Indian Reservation. Without the Compact, the CSKT are, by s...

  • Congress should address deferred maintenance problem in National Parks

    Rep. John Knokey - R, Bozeman HD 65|Updated May 2, 2018

    The week of April 21 thru 29 marks National Parks Week, a time to celebrate the natural wonders and unique cultural heritage our Parks protect and put on display. This year’s National Parks Week couldn’t come at a more opportune time—that’s because right now proposals in Congress to dedicate funding for deferred maintenance in the National Parks are gaining momentum. It is appearing likely that Congress will this year solve one of the most pressing issues affecting the future of our National Parks. Deferred mainten...

  • Releasing Wilderness Study Areas will improve access for Montana sportsmen

    Keith Kubitsa, MT Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife|Updated Apr 25, 2018

    It’s a simple fact: Wilderness Study Areas have resulted in less access for Montana sportsmen and sportswomen. In a literal sense, these public lands are essentially locked up. With hunting and fishing access becoming more precious each year, it only makes sense to review the WSAs in Montana, and release those that are not suitable to become full-blown Wilderness. Senator Daines and Congressman Gianforte have proposed just that—and surprisingly, they’ve caught hell for it from groups that normally support increasing publi...

  • The tragedy of Bullock's budget cuts

    Fred Thomas and Ron Ehli, Montana Senate Majority Leader and Montana House Majority Leader|Updated Apr 17, 2018

    There is a real tragedy of Governor Steve Bullock’s deep cuts to the Department of Health and Human Services budget: He didn’t have to make them. On multiple occasions Bullock could have sided with protecting Montana’s most vulnerable citizens who depend on help from government services for their daily lives. But he has so far shown minimal interest in doing so, and has put very little effort into finding better solutions. In fact, the Governor’s stubbornness has many legislators starting to think that he is using the funding...

  • BLM should reject APR plan that would destroy Montana rangeland

    Chuck Denowh, United Property Owners of Montana|Updated Apr 17, 2018

    The radical proposal by the American Prairie Reserve (APR) to fundamentally shift long-established grazing practices on 250,000 acres of public property ought to be rejected by the Bureau of Land Management. Not only would the proposal cause destruction of rangeland and wildlife habitat, ultimately the APR represents a fundamental threat to the Montana ranching families who’ve made this area their home for generations. The APR has petitioned the BLM to make several major c...

  • Letter: Byington on point

    Richard Debick, Lincoln, Mont.|Updated Apr 10, 2018

    In support of Craig Byington’s comments on Jon Tester in the April 4, 2018 edition of the BVD, I’d like to add the following: He may have voted for these Trump proposals, but politics being what they are, his vote wasn’t even needed for these items to pass. Also, in his latest TV ad, have you noticed the Model 99 Savage rifle in his pickup? Yet he votes against pro-gun related issues and supports every anti-gun person nominated for an office or position. His Supreme Court votes for the last three judges verify this. What...

  • Letter: Common Sense

    Gary Fitzpatrick, Lewistown, Mont.|Updated Apr 10, 2018

    After the recent school shooting the usual cries for gun “safety” went out. Stephen Smith who lost his mother in a school shooting wrote a great pro-gun guest editorial which pretty much reflects my views on the subject. Democrats and other liberals are always in favor of “common sense gun-safety laws” as a way to save lives. They want to modify the Second Amendment to restrict what kind of gun you can own and how old an adult must be to buy a gun. These are the same people who believe convicted violent illegal immigra...

  • Op/Ed: moving forward on forest management reform

    Sen. Steve Daines and Rep Greg Gianforte|Updated Apr 10, 2018

    Snow may still be on the ground, but last year's wildfire season isn't too far from memory. We have good news for Montanans, though. After years of negotiation, we have finally secured a deal that moves forward on much-needed forest management reforms. Montanans get it: a managed forest is a healthy forest. But decades of mismanagement, environmental lawsuits and excessive red tape have kept responsible forest management projects from moving forward on thousands of acres....

  • Op/Ed: Montana Delegation comes up big for our forests and communities

    Chuck Roady, Columbia Falls|Updated Apr 4, 2018

    With dysfunction in Washington DC near an all-time high, it’s nice to see the Montana delegation help lead the way to a badly needed deal to help our federal forests. Last week, in spite of a four-inch “blizzard” in our nation’s Capitol, a deal was reached that will truly help Montana avoid another smoke-filled summer, and hopefully start bringing the health of our forests back from the brink. Working with colleagues from around the country, Sen. Jon Tester, Sen. Steve Daines, and Rep. Greg Gianforte helped broker a comprom...

  • Op/Ed: Tester hoping to whitewash memories

    Craig Byington, Montana City|Updated Apr 4, 2018

    Wow, Jon Tester’s ads tell us he’s “out of fingers” counting the ways he’s just like Donald Trump. Truth is, he WISHES Montanans would run out of fingers when remembering the times he bowed to Obama, Pelosi, Clinton and Shumer, and left Montana stained with his collusion. Jon, some may clutch their noses and swallow the pasty grime that you’re “not finished getting things done for Montana”, but the facts are you never started – you didn’t dare! Montanans remember how you voted a straight Democrat Party line and forsook us...

  • Temper , Temper - an apology

    Updated Apr 4, 2018

    I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone at the March 28 Envision Lincoln for losing my temper and causing a disruption. I guarantee, it had nothing to do with Envision Lincoln or the goals of the meeting itself. I believe in the effort and hope to be involved in seeing it succeed. Unfortunately, a little exhaustion, a bit of anxiety about what we have and haven’t been able to cover and concerns about the future of the BVD didn’t mix well in the face of comments that no one in town seems to know what Envision Lin...

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