Roger Dey count
A K Lazy 3 outfitters pack string makes their way down Main Street.
Roger Dey count
Marion Morris minds the stew for the Wheel Inn float depicting the Hunter's Stew that used to be held at the Lincoln Community Hall.
Roger Dey count
Allisun Garland Jensen and Becky Garland wave at spectators from the Garland Girls float, which recalled both the dances and basketball games at the Community Hall.
Roger Dey count
Sporting top hat and tie, Doyle Fannin channels his inner Abe Lincoln for the parade
Roger Dey count
Sporting top hat and tie, Doyle Fannin channels his inner Abe Lincoln for the parade
Roger Dey count
Spectators dart across Main Street under a shower of water from the fire departments new water tender 'Big John'.
Roger Dey count
Hope Quay and Chris Holm ride Devine Morgans.
Roger Dey count
Bill Quat tosses out candy from the Upper Blackfoot Valley Historical Society Float.
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