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Lincoln Airport Community Open House and BBQ Potluck planned

On Saturday July 28, Jerry Cain will host the annual Lincoln Airport Community Open House and Fly-in BBQ Potluck at his hangar for everyone to enjoy.

Lincoln Airport is a state-owned airport managed and maintained by the Montana Aeronautics Division of the Montana Department of Transportation. Since the airport is a valuable asset to the Lincoln community, there will be a MAD sponsored open house in conjunction with Jerry's Fly-in BBQ Potluck.

The public is invited to become familiar with Lincoln Airport and its value to the Lincoln community, and to enjoy the BBQ potluck. MAD will have the airport open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 28. Jerry will host his BBQ Potluck starting at 11 a.m. so bring your favorite potluck dish to share. It's open to the public at no cost, but donations appreciated.

Lincoln community service organizations that utilize the airport in their work have been invited to interact with the public. Other aviation related organizations are also invited.

Local hangar owners will have their hangars open and their airplanes on display, as will those pilots who fly in for the event.

Come out to the Lincoln Airport to see all the airplanes and equipment on display, interact with your community public service organizations, enjoy the BBQ and bring a food dish to share.


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