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ChiefsCorner: Summer was a nice break, but it's time to prepare for winter

Looks like we made it through fire season with barely a dent. It was a nice break for the valley after last summer, the tough winter, and of course the flooding that hit us pretty hard this spring. It gave the firefighters a little time to catch up on projects. Not just at the fire department, but the ones we neglect all too often at home. And maybe even get a little hunting in this year as well.

That being said, it's time to start getting ready for winter again. I know. Waaay too fast this year.

Summer started late and now its fall and pretty soon we will be driving on snowy roads again. Need to start getting your winter gear out and put some emergency supplies in your vehicle in case you get stranded. Get those tires looked at and make sure they are safe for ice and snow. The conditions around here can be different just a few miles down the road. Pay attention to the changes and drive accordingly. Watch the forecasts. It's been getting down below freezing at night a couple times a week, and with fog on top of it, we can get black ice pretty fast.

It sounds like we are in for another monster of a winter. At least that's what the weather guessers and the ol' Farmer's Almanac are calling for. Guess we'll know how bad it was come spring, but we should probably plan for the worst.

Plow your snow way back when you start out after the first snow. Make sure you have plenty of room for the rest of the winter's snow. We had too many cases of roads we couldn't get down and driveways we couldn't get into for emergency calls because the berms were too close to the road and we couldn't get in. We have to be able to back in or turn around at the very least, and our big trucks need plenty of room. If you have vehicles, campers, trailers, and any other equipment that you aren't going to use till next spring, get it off the roads and away from your driveways so that it's not an obstacle when there's six feet of snow on the ground and the plows can't get around them.

We know how bad it was last year. Hopefully we learned a little and are better prepared if the forecasts come true this winter. And always keep in mind where you are putting that snow. What's it gonna do when it melts come spring? Be a good neighbor. If we can try, as best as we can when inundated with copious amounts of snow, to keep an eye to the spring and what can possibly happen in regards to flooding, maybe it can alleviate just a little bit of the damage that follows a hard winter. No one wants to go through the flooding again, but we can't stop it if it happens.

We can try and plan a little and be a little more attentive to how and where we are putting snow throughout the winter and maybe it will help. At least we tried.  If it doesn't? We'll pull together as a community as we always do.

Be safe out there. Watch out for others. And if you feel like helping your community and would like to volunteer, we need members on the fire department. We have jobs for most everyone. Get a hold of one of us.



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