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Letter: Tired of mean spirited comments

I am so tired of reading the false and mean-spirited comments about former President Barack Obama. One doesn't have to like his policies or his person for whatever reason, but, after all, millions of people voted for him (twice), and millions of people still love and respect him for the good that he did do (no sense in making a list – he's out of office and deserves some peace, not everyone haggling over what he did or didn't accomplish.) Those of us who love him are educated, reasonable, and passionate about civil rights, education, and the environment, among other worthy causes. When someone slams our hero unjustly, it's a personal insult. We're not stupid, brain-washed, or extremists. We are patriots who stand behind Obama's moral character, leadership, articulate and dignified manner, and exemplary care for our country and its ideals. Of course, the man was not perfect and made mistakes, but he gave his best from a very good heart.

But, oh no, here comes Dave Carroll blasting away from his pulpit (is that even proper?) about the ills of the Obama Administration. It would be laughable, if not so true, that Dave's word for word criticism of Obama FITS DONALD TRUMP TO A TEE! – "distortion of truth, outright lies, illegal programs. . .and our allies wondered who we really were."  Now really, Dave, you must be referring to Trump. It's the definition of the man! As for outright lies, I think the score is Obama – 0; Trump – 4,000 plus. (Just today, 11/16) Trump tweeted that Mueller worked for Obama for eight years! Absolutely, provably false. It was four years. And sorry to disillusion you, but President Obama was highly thought of around the world. He had good diplomatic relationships and partners on the fronts of environmental issues, nuclear disarmament, world health, the refugee crisis and was always honorable and civil. When Trump arrives in foreign countries, he's met with protest signs (the best one was: TO THE WORLD – WE'RE SORRY) and leaders who are appalled by what he says and does, some of them berating him to his face. By the way, Dave, if you think Obama was soft on Iran in the Nuclear Deal, all that money that was given to Iran during the negotiations was NOT U.S. MONEY! It was the IRANIANS MONEY that had been held in banks and other places that we were HOLDING AS A SANCTION to get them to the table and agree to the deal. We merely gave them back their own money! What Trump says about the nuclear deal is false!

I do apologize if this offends you in any way, but maybe, Dave, you should lay down your pen and pray for enlightenment. Start reading books besides the Bible. Stop quoting Jesus and follow his example. At least, stop casting stones.

Your nemesis,

Liz Cain


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