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Mountaintop Musings: Looking for a better Deal

Well, according to some “experts” the dynasty of the Golden State Warriors is over. They were dethroned by the Toronto Raptors in six games.

I must confess I am not an NBA fan by any means, but I was sure hoping that the Warriors would get whupped! It is not that I “hate” them but I do get sick and tired of hearing how great they are, when in fact five years from now no one will remember what they did, or who played for them during their fabulous run of five straight NBA finals appearances and three championships. I also tire of their rants about taking my rights as a gun owner away! That is getting personal. But one should appreciate their hard work and athletic skill. But getting 25 million to play a game, wow! I know that my salary as a forester (pre-ministry days) or missionary would not cover what they get paid for a simple timeout in one game! The supply and demand game of economics is quite interesting to say the least.

There are not many true super-stars in any of our professional sports leagues, but there are many excellent players for sure. The fact is one can be the best of the best, and yet be cast aside like a used rag when their perceived value is spent. Just look how many players in any sport make it a career to stay with one team. It just does not happen too often these days. I think that is kind of sad, but so reflective of society. Everyone is looking for just a little better deal. Just look at the devaluing of marriage since “no-fault” divorce came to be in the 1960s. That has created a view (along with many other factors) that says ”I will stay married to you until a better deal comes along for me!”

I am not saying that there is never a valid reason for a divorce, because biblically there is. But the idea behind marriage is a man and a woman for life. God’s plan is not going to change, nor has it changed. Stick it out for better or worse. But I know things happen, and divorces occur. It is a sad thing for the couple, the family and friends, but especially so for the kids who may be involved. We have Bible camp this week and many of the kids who come live in homes with only one biological parent. Some are in foster situations. Some have never had their parents married, and live enduring a series of surrogates coming through the door of their life with all the resultant carnage that comes with those arrangements. It is a proven fact that children prosper the best with Mom and Dad at home.

This year we have 30 kids coming to camp. It is a lot of work and stress getting things pulled together, but incredibly rewarding. Kids make life-long friends at camp. We have some that bond with our staff, and we see how some long-term investments in the lives of our youth can pay bigger dividends that hitting the Lotto!

The one friend that is most crucial to make at camp, however, is Jesus. It is my prayer and dream that all who come to camp leave with their faith firmly placed in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins, and in-dwelt with the Holy Spirit power for godly living. You get the Holy Spirit when you receive the Son! Last year we had 10 kids confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Would you take a moment to pray and ask God to do the same work again this year, even tonight? I thank you for that prayer. If you do that, you are also part of our volunteer staff, whether you ever make it to camp or not! On thing about being recruited and placed into God’s team, you get to finish your career with Jesus. No trades, no waiver, no sitting on the bench. On God’s team you get to “play” forever! So, what are YOU waiting for? There is always room for more players.

(Dave & Lisa Carroll are area missionaries with InFaith. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected])


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