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Fundraising for Block Party Trailer Underway

Emilee Rivera has been talking about a Block Party Trailer and wanted to explain it to folks in more detail to help them understand what it’s all about and how they can help.

Rivera, who got the idea from the Helena Imagination Playground trailer at an event she and her family attended, thought having something similar available in Lincoln would be a good idea.

Her vision for the Lincoln Block Party Trailer is for it to be a mobile playground that would help make local Lincoln events more family and child-friendly by providing a safe place for children to play. The trailer and equipment, which would be available to the community and would be run by volunteers, could encourage more young families with children to attend and enjoy local events.

“If families are able to enjoy themselves, they will stay longer and spend more money at these events, which in turn is good for the community.” Rivera said. She’s also looking to provide a portable fenced area for smaller children to play in, and an open area for the older kids.

Ideally, the trailer would be available for use all year round. Rivera plans to have it set up at the annual Independence Day Parade and other outdoor events during the warmer months. In the winter, she has a vision of it being used for an open gym night either at the Community Hall or the school gym. Event organizers will be able to call and reserve the trailer and one of the volunteers will bring it to the event, unload it, keep an eye on the equipment, and load it back up when the event is finished.

While the use of the trailer will be a free service, donations from users would be welcome and encouraged. Donations would go towards maintenance of the trailer and equipment.

An area that has caused a bit of confusion regarding the trailer and the service is the fact that Rivera runs the daycare in town, but the trailer and equipment would be completely separate.

“While I am the owner of the daycare in town, Lil Lynx, the trailer is not a daycare service nor run by the daycare or the Baptist Church,” she said. “It will be the parent’s responsibility to watch their children and sign a liability waiver in which they agree not to leave their children unattended or leave the event without their children. We’re just providing the space and equipment.”

Rivera is currently working on fundraising to purchase the trailer to house the equipment. Fundraising will be ongoing until the trailer has been purchased, and will continue for the purchase of items for the trailer, such as activity blocks, games, balls, fencing and other supplies. The cost of the trailer is estimated between $2,500-$5000, depending on whether they can purchase it used or need to purchase a new trailer. Rivera would also welcome the donation of a trailer, if it fit with what they had in mind. If someone has a trailer they are willing to donate, Rivera would appreciate talking with them.

Some generous donations have already been received and Rivera is also applying for grants to assist with the project. The church is letting Rivera use their non-profit status, so donations will be tax-deductible, but insurance and liability for the trailer are separate from the church. The goal is to have the trailer purchased by January and to begin filling it so it will be available for use in the spring/summer of 2020.

To raise additional funds for the trailer, Rivera is planning to have a “Great Bowls of Fire Chili Cook-Off” Saturday, Jan. 4. Entry fees will be $25 and prizes will be awarded. More information on the event will become available as it gets closer.

Rivera is also raising funds by offering cover photo advertising in various groups on Facebook. Companies or individuals can make a donation of any amount towards the trailer, and Rivera will design an ad to be placed on group cover pages.

Businesses can also donate to sponsor the trailer and will be able to have a decal of their business designed and put on the trailer. This would be advertising for them, while also helping to fund the trailer.

If you would like to donate, please send donations to the Lincoln Baptist Church 207 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Lincoln, Mont., 59639. Checks should be payable to the church with a note or memo line on the check designating it for the “Block Party Trailer.”

If you are interested in volunteering to help once the trailer is up and running or to assist with fundraising efforts now, please contact Emilee Rivera at 406-470-0622.


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