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Nativity Scene Collection On Display At Columbus Center in Great Falls

If you are more of a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas, then you will certainly enjoy "Once Upon a Nativity," a collection of Nativity scenes currently on display and open to the public at the Columbus Center in Great Falls.

The collection is result of 30 years of collecting on the part of Carol Olthoff.

Well, technically, it goes back to 1964. She has on display the first Nativity scene she and he husband have had, and they have had that piece since '64.

Carol first put her collection on public display in 1998, when she hosted 140 guests at her home as part of the Christmas home tour. She selected the Crisis Line as the recipient of donations for her part of the tour.

Shortly after that first display, her husband took ill and had some health issues for a couple of years. In the meantime, the collection was stored in their basement.

Carol told the Sun Times that in 2009 it was "impressed on me by the Lord" to either put the collection on display for the public to enjoy, or give them to someone who would share them with the public.

Now, it takes 23 days of work to get the display set up.

Asked what the Nativity means to her, Carol said, "It's the simplicity of it, and the symbolism of the elegance."

At the Columbus Center, the display begins on the main floor, and extends up to the second floor. When you enter the building, be sure to stop and check out the massive display Carol has set up as a window display.

There are about 1,100 scenes in the collection. They range from some paper "pop=up" displays that date back to the 1930s to a display from India made of straw.

Many local artists have contributed to the display. One lady made a display from slices of bread. Another created a scene from two wooden posts. There are large pieces – such as the one in the window display. And there are tiny scenes, such as the one created with a small pottery piece. The whole piece is probably less than two inches tall.

In the past ten years, 800 to 1200 people have come to check out the display. The Sun Times was there on an early Saturday afternoon, and couples as well as small groups made for a steady flow to check out the display.

The key to enjoying the display is to take the time to check out every "nook and cranny."

Carol calls the project her "gift to the community," and she explressed her thanks to the Dreyer Brothers for allowing her to put the display in their building. The brothers even allow her to store the scenes in the building's basement.

You can check out "Once Upon a Nativity" until January 7. The Columbus Center is located at 1601 2nd Avenue North, and the display is open Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Handicap entry is available through the Columbus Center rear entry. For questions, or to arrange from groups or guided tours, call Carol at 799-8109.


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