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Hey Howdy Hey

Well Christmas isn’t just around the corner anymore. It’s here. People are still out shopping until the very last minute and taking “extreme measure” trying to find the latest high-tech gadgets, phones, and toys for their loved ones and friends, etc. This will never change, but I can’t complain myself though, for I too have been very blessed already this season.

So, I would like to send out a big Hey Howdy Hey of thanks to “The Big Guy In The Sky”. Because without the birth of Jesus and without his willingness to die to pay the price for our sin and to bring us to God, we would have nothing to celebrate at Christmastime.

So, this Christmas, let’s be thankful that God took “Extreme Measure” by sending Jesus to reclaim our fellowship with Him. And remind us that the true meaning of Christmas lies in the depth of His love. I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and this is not so Tiny Jim saying, “God Bless Us Everyone.”


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