The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Lincoln PTSO brings ACES Training Class to Lincoln

The Lincoln PTSO, in conjunction with Zero To Five - an initiative focused on helping children from zero to five years of age - is bringing a free educational training class called “ACEs” to the school on Monday, March 2.

While ACEs training has been mentioned in some of the PTSO updates articles in the paper, there has never been a clear definition of what ACEs or the training are or will provide. According to their website, ACEs stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. These experiences are broken down into three major types: abuse, neglect and household dysfunction. It goes on to say that abuse can be physical, emotional or sexual, neglect can be physical or emotional, and household dysfunctions can include mental illness, incarcerated relatives, substance abuse, divorce or abusive behaviors towards mothers.

During the workshop at the school, trainers will help increase understanding of how some of these negative experiences in childhood can create problems later in life, and how communities can work together to prevent these experiences, and support families and children.

Parents, teachers, community members, and high-school students are encouraged to attend. Dinner will be provided beginning at 5 p.m. and free babysitting will be available. In order for proper planning of meals and babysitting services, they ask that attendees please RSVP in advance. The training itself will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Prior to the class, interested attendees are invited to take the ACEs quiz to get a better understanding of how their past may be contributing factors in their lives today.

To take the quiz, visit:

More information about ACE’s and the training can be found by watching an online video at:

The Headwaters Foundation in Missoula created Zero To Five initiative began in late 2018 with proceeds from the sale of Missoula’s non-profit Community Hospital to a for-profit partnership.

If you would like more information about the ACEs program, contact Melody McDonough at 406-461-5001. To RSVP for the training, contact Dani at the school at 406-362-4201 or send an email to [email protected].


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