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LVCC announces new board, plans for new website rollout

The Lincoln Valley Chamber of Commerce held their annual meeting on Thursday, Feb. 13 and it was well-attended by community members.

Former LVCC President, Laurie Richards led her final meeting, going over a variety of topics, before passing the torch to the new Chamber Board officers.

The major discussions revolved around the new chamber website and the new board.

The upgraded website, which has been under construction and is currently in beta mode, is expected go live in early March. Some of the most notable changes to the site include better photos, easy navigation and more information about Lincoln, it's local businesses and organizations, and upcoming events.

Dennis Duenas, who was hired last year to completely overhaul the Chamber's website has been working on the upgrades, gave a brief presentation at the meeting and sought input from the board and meeting attendees. While there is still work to be done on the site, it is coming along. The Chamber board is seeking additional photos, feedback and suggestions for the site. Anyone interested in providing suggestions can contact a board member or they can be emailed to [email protected]. Information posted on the website is one of the benefits of being a Chamber member business.

Several other items on the meeting agenda were tabled until the March 12 meeting to give the board time to work on budget priorities.

After the general meeting adjourned, the new slate of officers and directors held a special meeting to decide on officer positions, terms, and to discuss plans for moving forward.

The new board consists of seven community business representatives. Lincoln's new librarian Kate Radford took over as Chamber President, with Tammy Jordan named vice president. Bob Weatherston retained the secretary position and Emilee Rivera took over as treasurer. Greg Smith, Erin Dey and Whitney Woodland fill the three remaining director's seats.

The new board has plans to meet in the coming weeks to review the mission, vision, budget, by-laws, and future plans.

If you haven't already joined the LVCC, you can stop by the BVD office for a membership form, or you can find it online at Membership forms and payments can be mailed to the LVCC at P.O. Box 985, or they can be dropped off at the BVD office.

All community members are invited and encouraged to attend the next Chamber meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the community room at the Lincoln Library.


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