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LVCC unveils improved website

It's been a year in the making, but this week, the Lincoln Valley Chamber of Commerce launched its new website.

The site, which can be found at, comes just in time for the summer season, and boasts Lincoln attractions, member information and events, all with an updated feel and mobile compatibility.

Through a matched grant from Southwest Montana, the Chamber hired Dennis Duenas of Unparalleled Advertising Group. The website committee and Duenas worked together to come up with a new, more user-friendly and attractive site.

One of the benefits to members, LVCC President Kate Radford says, is that when anyone types Lincoln, Montana into a web search, the LVCC website is always among the first to appear. "So when people are thinking of coming here to visit, all member businesses are available for them to see in each of the categories," she said.

One of the pages still under construction is the Chamber Board page. It will be updated as member bios and photos are received. The Board has already had a change in members as treasurer Emilee Rivera submitted her resignation last week, and the board approved Laurie Welty to fill the seat during their monthly meeting, held via Zoom, last week.

The Chamber asks that members please review their listings and if changes need to be made or photos updated, to please go to the "Join Us" page at href=''>Lincoln and complete the questions. Current members should also make sure to check the box stating they are already a member and just updating their profile.

Anyone wishing to join the Chamber and become a member can also visit that page to complete their membership application. There are three member levels to choose from: Commercial Business Level ($100), Non-Profit / Organization Level ($50) – both of which provide member and business directory listings on the website as well as voting rights – and Friend Level ($25), which helps support the LVCC but has no voting rights nor advertising benefits.

Member businesses are listed in the "Members" section of the website as well as the "Local Services" section, giving them more exposure.

In the future, member businesses can use the web-based form to continue to update their listing information and photos, as well as to renew their membership each year before January 31.

Another feature of the new site is the ability for member businesses and organizations to have their upcoming events posted on the website. As members get into the habit of submitting their events, the Chamber hopes to see it become the go to place to see what's going on in town, and to help organizations and businesses collaborate with one another on events or choose days and times that don't conflict with other things going on.

The Chamber Board would like to thank the community members for their patience as the website was built, and the website committee of Laurie Richards, Kate Radford, Pattie Weatherston and Tammy Jordan, as well as Duenas, for all the hard work in making the website truly reflective of Lincoln and it's Chamber members.


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