The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Let Us get things right

This past Saturday was a great day. Not because it was Saturday, but because my son Jesse and I got to do some long overdue maintenance on his pickup truck. You see Jesse has the potential to be a very good mechanic, but like his Pa he gets his priorities mixed up. His poor ol' truck has had to endure two broken rear leaf springs for longer than I care to think. Jesse has put up with lots of creaking, noise, and strange handling due to those broken springs. He and I spent hours trying to get the right parts. We went to various websites, and he ordered some springs.

But when he went to the store, they only had one, and we came to find out the spring was not even the right one for his truck. Boy we were blown away that a national store's website had the wrong information. We wanted to get things right with that truck, and we needed the right leaf springs for that to happen.

So, I did some more research and called General Springs of Kansas City. They are an American company, started in 1965. They manufacture springs and coils for many vehicles. Well, I talked with their salesman, asked a few questions and in less than five minutes I had an order in for two leaf springs and shackles. The price (including shipping) was less than what the brand name store was asking, and the springs came in three days! They were a superior product and in five hours we had his truck riding and looking amazing! We had to go to the right source for the help and parts necessary to make his truck work properly.

Now. I must say it was great to see his truck bed lifted to where it should be, and the truck handle well. It is always satisfying to complete a big job like that. Many of you know that feeling.

But the best thing about that day was that Jesse and I worked together. We talked, we enjoyed each other's company, we were a team. You see, for many years he and I have not always seen eye-to-eye. We have had different world views and values you might say. Jesse is a lot like his Pa, stubborn, selfish, living for his own pleasure and goals, and oh, did I say stubborn!? But he has changed quite a bit lately. Since last October God has been working on my son and letting him know that he is a special person and greatly loved. Yes, I love him greatly and so does his Mom. But our love pales in comparison to the great love that God has for him. God sent His Son to die for Jesse's sins, for my sins and yours.

Jesse and I got to talk quite a bit that day about life, goals, new adventures, faith, trust, responsibility, and on and on I could go. We had the best day he and I have shared since he was a boy and we were killing some nice deer or elk.

Yes, we got to relate to each other man to man. Oh, I had to play Dad sometimes and lecture a bit, old habits die hard right? But our time conversing and working on a common goal brought us together. We focused on solving a big problem, and with the Lord's help it was accomplished.

I pray that the people of our nation will stop fighting and focus on getting the correct parts needed to fix some things. If you have the wrong parts you cannot fix a vehicle. That principle applies to life. Only instead of parts you need the right values and methodology.

The ills of our world will not be solved by politicians, the courts, rioting, passing more laws or alienating groups of people. We can ignore God and His ways all we want, but the result will be more of the same chaos and confusion we have seen play out in the world lately. It is only when the Prince of Peace rules in the hearts of men that true peace is possible. Peace between man and his Creator, peace between people, peace in homes, peace in neighborhoods.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is a Biblical axiom that runs through the Old and New Testaments. Maybe we should start with that and see where it takes us?


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