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Dear Editor,
It is time to make some noise for the Red, White, and Blue.Many Patriots want to let their voices be heard against the lawlessness we see in our country, but don’t know how to go about it.
Well, together let’s say to Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters, spineless Democrat and Republican politicians, and the news media that we are fed up with their crap and that we support America, our Law Enforcement, and Constitution. Enough already of this “destroy America” garbage.
When I was 20 years old, I had orders to go to Vietnam. I remember walking up and down the streets of my little town (Bainville, Montana) thinking, tomorrow I leave for Vietnam and may never see my friends and family again. I was prepared to lay my life down for my country and I am ready to do it again. Let’s pray that things don’t escalate to that extreme.
Instead, we can defeat this enemy, letting our collective voices send a message. I’m asking you, all Patriots, to make some LOUD noise, at the same time, so this enemy hears us loud and clear to BACK OFF!
Here is the plan. From now to the end of October, every night, at 10 p.m. Eastern time or
8 p.m. Mountain time, I’m asking everyone who supports America, our flag, and Constitution pop off some fire crackers, blow your car horn, or yell “USA” from your deck or balcony. It’s too bad we couldn’t shoot off our pistols, rifles, or shotguns, but we do not recommend it, actually discourage this.
So today, July 15, 2020, we begin this Shout Out for America. As this movement spreads and grows louder and louder, I pray the noise will be deafening to those who hate America and that they will know there are way more of us who love this country. Tell all your family and friends. Spread the word on the internet. Let’s together make our voices be heard now, and this fall by voting, and save our country from these socialist/communist anarchists. Finally, and most importantly, pray together for the USA.
II Chronicles 7:14.
God Bless You &
God Bless America.
Rev. Maynard A. Mahlen
Lewistown, Mont.
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