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From My Perspective: It's all out of control

Remember way back when this whole virus thing started? Yeah, although it's only been about four months, it feels like forever to me too.

But, think back, I wrote a column about it, probably in early April. In it, I talked about fear, and how I was less scared of the virus itself, and far more frightened by the ugliness of people and the divisiveness that I was feeling. Sadly, my fears have become more of a reality than I could have imagined, and believe it or not, they are worse than I thought possible as well.

Wait, what? The positive girl who sees the best in everything thinks things are worse? Yes, I do.

I knew there was bad coming, how could any of us have not known that? I'm positive, but I face reality too, when it's staring me boldly in the face.

The complete lack of respect for fellow humankind has reached a whole new level. In the past two weeks, I've personally witnessed more inhumane behaviors than I've seen in my entire life of 50 years. It's downright disgusting and out of control. Since when is it okay to treat people this badly?

Let's start with the whole mask thing, because lately, this just seems to be the "thing" making people crazy. We currently have a mask order in the state of Montana. I'll be honest, though, in my opinion, reading through the mandate is more like navigating through muddy water, with all of its rules, recommendations, exceptions and so on.

I've said it before, I don't agree with the mandate. Whether I agree with it or not , and even though I do have health issues that technically mean I shouldn't have to wear it (I have low lung capacity due to several bouts with pneumonia, as well as allergies and asthma, and it truly could cause problems with my breathing), l will wear it in enclosed areas where it is required.

I don't throw a tantrum, I don't yell at employees who are merely doing their job and I don't curse at people who aren't wearing a mask, because I don't know their reasons for not doing so. I only draw a conclusion that there must be a good reason they aren't. It's not my place to judge, and it's not my job to "put them in their place."

If you do agree with the mandate, good for you. I believe you are entitled to an opinion, and you must have a good reason for it. I won't argue with you, and I won't call you names or curse you out because of it. That's called freedom and compassion for you and others I may not agree with. Heck, my own mother and I don't agree on the masks or shutdowns, or a lot of things, but we still love one another, and we still show each other respect. Sometimes that respect is just listening to the other's point of view, and sometimes that respect is knowing it's a better topic not to be discussed.

We don't have to agree to like or love one another, we just have to be willing to set it aside and move forward, without a scene, without meanness, without ugliness.

That word - compassion - is sadly missing these days. When I was in Helena last week, I witnessed a person without a mask curse at an employee because he was asked - very politely I might add - to wear one in the store. He had to be escorted out of the building as he continued to badger and berate this poor cashier.

This past week in Lincoln, there has been at least two similar encounters between employees and customers at the grocery store and the gas station. While working at the antique shop in town, one afternoon an out-of-state tourist felt the need to curse at me for not wearing a mask and tell me I'm the reason for "the spread." In addition, someone has felt it their duty to report at least four local businesses to the health department for not complying with the governor's mask mandate.

When did we become such an ugly society? Ok, not everyone. My generalizing doesn't make it any better. But seriously, when did yelling and cursing at employees who are just following the rules of their employers become acceptable behavior? When did tattling on businesses and people not wearing a mask, which is all too much like the reporting of Jews in Germany in my mind, become okay? When did we lose our compassion for our fellow humans? When did hate and violence become our new norm?

It's all just out of control. From the masks, to whose life matters more, whose rights are more important and whose opinion is more right than another.

From my perspective, it just needs to stop. We need to remember to be caring, to be compassionate, to be a little more understanding of people, and to admit, we might all be wrong about all of it. It wouldn't be the first time.

To hate, to be mean, that's easy. But where it really matters is to be kind, compassionate, forgiving. Those aren't always easy, but they always feel better than the alternative. Yes, I'm the positive girl who is facing the reality of a lot of negativity in the world, but I'm still the girl who is going to do her best to care, to look for good, to be part of the good, even when it seems to be lost in an out of control world.


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