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Teacher Feature: Danielle Cyr

Danielle Cyr, Lincoln School's new pre-K teacher, attended school as a student in Lincoln from kindergarten through her senior year, and she's looking forward to her first year teaching.

Cyr attended the University of Montana, Western and finished up her degree last year around early April.

"When I went into student teaching, I always thought I wanted to do the younger grades," she said. After she student-taught 5th grade with Stacey Mannix, she said, "I could see myself teaching anywhere from kindergarten-8th grade."

Cyr, whose grandfather LeRoy Cyr taught fifth and sixth grade at Lincoln School for many years, hadn't really considered pre-K, but is excited about what she can bring to the community and to her work with the students.

"I just really love the community of Lincoln," she said. "There's a lot of good in the community, and I just want to be a positive influence."

She's looking forward to the different role she'll get to play in the school now that she's a teacher.

"I'm super excited to see it at a different angle and behind the scenes. A lot of the faculty were all my teachers," she said, noting that her previous coaches and teachers are now co-workers. "It's a really cool and unique perspective to see them as colleagues."

"I definitely feel like I got lucky with my group," she said of her pre-K students.

Cyr added that she's really looking forward to seeing the growth in the students over the year. "They get to learn about the school and staff members. They get to start and grow into this school that is so big and unknown to them," she sid. "They walk in not knowing anything and leave ready for kindergarten."


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