The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Guest Opinion: Two kinds of persons under the Constitution

The preamble to our US Constitution reads: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 

It has become clear since the US Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United that there are two kinds of "people" under our Constitution.  There are flesh and blood people and there are corporations. Corporations cannot vote in our US elections, but they can and do contribute money in our elections to sway the vote, they can lobby Congress and the President and they can hire lawyers to pursue their interests in the Courts.

It seems to me that the Republican Party for the most part supports corporations rather than individuals in their platform, legislation and appointments. We have seen the Republican majority passing big permanent tax breaks for Corporations and only small temporary tax breaks for individuals. They have tried to take away our healthcare. They have rescinded protections for our water, land and air to the advantage of corporations.  They have made appointments to the Courts of persons who tend to rule for corporations over individuals. They continue to try to suppress the vote of many individuals. 

It seems to me that the Democratic Party for the most part supports individuals rather than corporations in their platform, legislation and appointments. Democrats support workers' rights, strong labor unions and increased minimum wage. They support strong public education for all. They work to protect our environment against decimation and climate change. Democrats passed the Affordable Health Care Act, which, even though it has been undermined by Republicans, still enables many to have health care. When in the majority, Democrats have made appointments to the courts of persons who tend to rule for individuals over corporations.

Some think that Republicans are better for the economy, but whose economy? The wealth from corporations flows up to a small percentage of individuals as indicated by the increase wealth of the few in our Country I used to think corporate responsibility was to the workers and the community in which the corporation resided. I now see that corporate responsibility is to corporation shareholders. I used to think that Montana was a state of strong individuals and was puzzled why if that is the case Montana leans Republican in politics. Then I thought about the mining and timber barons in Montana's past who raped the landscape for their own gain and at the expense of individuals and the environment.  Montana still suffers from their rule and influence.

Republicans use misinformation on emotional issues such as abortion, gun control and fear of socialism to gain votes since corporations can't vote and there aren't enough persons benefiting from the corporations to win elections.  If we really want to end abortion, shouldn't we support health care for all and a livable wage for workers? If we want to protect the second amendment, shouldn't we be working together for solutions to end the shootings and killing of our children and other innocent people?

Be sure you are registered to vote and VOTE!  Oh, and fill out the CENSUS so Montana has more representation. 


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