The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

From My Perspective

Where in the world did our summer go?

If you're anything like me, the list of the "stuff to get done before the snow flies," is still as long as it was at the beginning of summer. I had such high hopes for getting things done, being organized and ahead of the game. Instead, it's the end of September and I want to know where the summer went. I know a lot of people have blamed a lot of things on COVID this year, and rightfully so, but somehow I don't think I can lay this one on the virus.

Truthfully, I was home more and was not traveling to shows to teach, so why didn't I get more done? No seriously, how did I not get more done? I was talking with a friend this week who mentioned she was in the same boat and said it was actually harder for her to get things accomplished during the time of COVID because of the sense of "I'll get to it tomorrow." There was no urgency in getting things done in the past several months. Boy, has that tune changed ... there's all sorts of urgency now! My friend and I can't be the only ones experiencing this ... oh please tell me we aren't the only ones.

So remember, I'm on the level of world-class procrastinator, but I don't feel like that played its normal part in the way things have gone this year. It just feels different, don't you think? As the sun is setting earlier and earlier each day, and taking longer to come up in the morning, it's my reminder to get my you-know-what in gear and as they say "Get 'er done."

And just a couple of weeks ago as I was thinking about all the things I needed to get done, I had an unfortunate run-in with my horse (quite literally). I now find myself injured which only adds to the stress. By the way, the running joke is that I've mastered flying through the air, but I really need to work on my landing. It's okay, you can laugh, it's kind of funny when it's put in that context, but being in a sling with a sprained elbow and torn ligaments in my dominant hand/arm seems to be setting me back even a little further. The whole ordeal has me re-thinking my procrastination model and thinking I should just get to things in a more timely fashion to avoid this unnecessary stress in the future. (Let's see if I can remember that – and those of you who know me, feel free to remind me I not only said it, but put it in print for everyone in the world to see).

You see, there were storage units to get cleaned out, items to sell and donate, a mound of paperwork to get completed, garden harvests to "put up" for winter, jams to make, and of course, fun fibery things to get ready to sell.

Then there's the normal stuff we folks in Montana have to get done before winter, like cut, split, and stack firewood, of which I've been no help to my other half with. There's also the standard winterizing of our homes and gardens. We need put all the beautiful patio furniture and plant hangers away, and while we're at it, say goodbye to those beautiful flowers that keep us company all summer long (along with the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds). Truthfully, the only thing I don't ever miss from summer are the darn mosquitoes. They could go away and never return and I'd pretty much be okay with that, I'm just saying. But I digress...

Let's just say there are still the majority of those things to get done remaining on my to-do list. Fortunately, snow isn't in the forecast just yet, so I'm sure I'll get the important things done, and then continue to work my way down the list of the things that I can do indoors once it really turns cold. I mean who wants to do paperwork anyway?

So, how many of you are in the boat with me? Do you wonder where summer went too? Is your to-do list as long as mine? I am seriously thinking of ways to plan ahead for 2021 so that I'm not drifting on the water in a boat that feels like it's sinking with things that need to get done. If anyone wants to join me so we're not drifting in the boat together, give me a holler... maybe we can keep each other motivated, maybe we can support each other and hold each other accountable. That usually helps me – and after this year and my summer gone again until next year, I'm open. How about you?


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