The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Letter: Environmentalists caused a problem

The environmental groups have caused a serious problem.

Every time the Forest Service plans to remove the beetle killed trees while the trees are still good for lumber, the environmental groups get a lawsuit in court until the trees are no longer any good, then they drop the lawsuit. We now have deadfall on top of deadfall. It's no wonder bears are coming into town, they couldn't get to the berries if there were some.

I watched a gentleman and a young lady on NBC News who said the reason the wildfires were so terrible was due to global warming. No mention of millions of dead trees. I would like to see the Forest Service take 100 acres of National Forest and leave 50 acres of it in the condition it is today and on the other 50 acres remove the dead fallen and standing trees and thin out some green trees for lumber. Have the environmental groups and global warming experts stand by while the 100 acres burns.

Also, bear in mind that all the lawsuits are paid by taxpayer dollars.

Another item of interest is the natural gas-powered electric generator power plant. Bozeman, Helena and Missoula are against it. They want no fossil fuel for their towns. Therefore, I highly recommend PSC approve the plant with the stipulation that no power goes to these three cities. Plus, check and make sure coal STRIPstrip isn't sending any power to them either. Texas tried environmentally friendly wind and solar power and they froze. Think how much further north Bozeman, Helena and Missoula are.

Last item of interest: If anyone knows of a safe poison that will kill gophers but won't harm birds of prey, would you let me know? Thanks.

Mike Mullens



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