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Discovering Talent

Series: From My Perspective | Story 31

Everyone has a talent, whether they realize it or not, and there are so many different ways to express ourselves. There are those who create art with a paintbrush while others have an amazing voice. Some can make something out of nothing, or have a sense of style people wish they had more of, and yet others can make people feel good just by being in the same room with them.

Some people create amazing food, others raise awareness, some raise funds to help those less fortunate. There are those who can pick up a needle and thread to create beautiful hand-stitching on a quilt, those who have such a sense of imagination they convey in stories and books, and those who have a connection with animals, children or the elderly. There are those who can take metal and steel and create something useful, those with athletic abilities or the gift of playing a musical instrument.

We may not all be talented in all these areas, but we all have things we’ve learned along the way, become good at, and discovered something in ourselves that makes us want to continue to reach for new things to become talented in.

A talent I’ve never been particularly successful at is being organized. Or more truthfully, staying organized, which comes so easily to others. It’s not that I can’t do it, but simply that there are just things I’m more talented in. Give me some wool from a sheep and let me tell you - I can create something beautiful.

This past weekend at the Lincoln Fiber Circle, I witnessed both young and old be awe-inspired by one another and their talents. Young girls from the school came, and while they were there, felted and knitted while admiring some seasoned quilters hand-stitch binding and designs on their quilts.

The younger girls were respectful and so interested. While some thought they could never do anything like what the older ladies were working on, the older ladies encouraged them by telling them they could. I think one of them even convinced me to start quilting, at least what they referred to as a “cheater panel” to start. I’ve been around a lot of women who can sew, and up until this past Saturday, I never thought it was something I was going to be able to do. As far as finding the time to start a new hobby, well that’s another story, but the fact that these women are so willing to share their skills, their talent and their knowledge with me - that is a priceless gift.

I’ve taught all the younger girls who attended this past weekend both in school and privately in the areas of felting, knitting and spinning. But if I hadn’t shared my talent and maybe helped them discover some of their own talents, they may never have come to the gathering on Saturday and discovered other talents. They are planning to come back next month, which makes my heart very happy. One is bringing embroidery, another wants to bring their knitting, and yet another wants to learn to crochet. It’s such a gift to watch people discover their hidden talents and better yet to watch them share those talents with others.

Lincoln is lucky to have so many of all these individuals. One of my favorite things about living here is discovering all the talent around me. I’m so grateful for all these amazing talents and individuals with whom I get to share this place I call home.

Whatever your talent is please use it, please share it, because in doing so you give others an opportunity to try something new and maybe discover a little talent of their own.

I invite you to recognize the talents of those around you, discover your own, and be grateful for both.

I also want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. I’m grateful to so many of you for your talents, your friendship and so much more.


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