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Missouri River RAC accepting new project proposals

Projects to benefit Broadwater, Lewis and Clark, and Teton counties

HELENA, Mont., (December 15, 2021) – The Helena–Lewis and Clark National Forest invites interested parties to submit project proposals for funding consideration by the Missouri River Resource Advisory Committee (RAC). The RAC will consider proposals for projects that are on or provide substantial benefits to National Forest System lands within Broadwater, Lewis and Clark, and Teton counties.  Funding and administration for the RACs is provided under the authority of the Secure Rural Schools and Self–Determination Act (Title II). The deadline to submit project proposals is January 30, 2022.

"In September 2021, the Missouri River RAC awarded $424,620 for 18 projects," said Designated Forest Official Sara Mayben. "We are eager to continue to work with the Missouri River RAC to support projects that provide substantial benefit to the Forest and it's watersheds."

A variety of projects will be considered, especially projects focused on work related to watersheds, roads, trails, weeds, and general forest health. You will need to ensure you have coordinated with Forest Service staff and all other partners prior to submitting the proposal to ensure it is supported, comprehensive and complete.  Project proponents will be notified of the time and location of RAC meetings where project proposals will be considered. Proponents are encouraged to attend these meetings and be prepared to answer questions regarding their proposed projects. These meeting are also open to the general public.

Visit: for project applications, submission guidelines, and instructions.


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