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DAR to recognize Birkholz with Good Citizen Award

Damion Birkholz, Lincoln High School Senior, has been selected as the 2021-2022 winner of the Good Citizen Award by Daughters of the American Revolution Oro Fino Chapter. Damion will be honored at the May 2022 Chapter Meeting of the Oro Fino Chapter in Helena on Saturday, May 14.

Chapter members invited all seniors in Lewis & Clark, Broadwater and Jefferson counties to participate in the annual Good Citizen Award Contest, which recognizes outstanding young people who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship: dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities. Each school may honor only one senior per year as its DAR Good Citizen.

After the Good Citizen student is selected, he or she may write a timed essay administered under the supervision of a faculty or DAR member. It must be completed at one sitting, within a two-hour time limit, and without assistance or reference materials. This year, the essay title was "Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It" and the focus question within the essay was "How do the qualities of a good citizen (dependability, service, leadership and patriotism) help support our nation?"

Each contest entry is evaluated by independent, non-DAR judges. The winning citizenship and essay entry from each of the ten DAR chapters in Montana will be advanced through Montana state, Northwest Division and National levels of judging, with increasing awards at each level. The DAR is a lineage society comprised of descendants of Revolutionary War Patriots whose purpose is to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. For more information see and,


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