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Remembering the fallen

Lincoln Veterans and community members gathered at the Lincoln Community Hall Monday morning to honor the memories of American service members who have lost their lives both in war and in peace.

Post 9 Adjutant Doug Vulcan delivered the remarks this year, reminding people that "Memorial Day in not about picnics and parades, though there's nothing wrong with enjoying our American life. Memorial Day is about gratitude and remembrance. It is about honoring the men and women who made it possible for us to gather here today in peace."

This years' observance added a pair of videos to the mix.

"One of the things we wanted to do today was to show a tribute to our American heroes," Vulcan said. During his search for the right video, Vulcan said he watched 20 or 30 videos, some of which depicted Arlington National Cemetery and some of the cemeteries around our country.

"I was fortunate enough to work one summer at the VA, photographing and cataloging veteran's graves across this county," he said. "If you haven't gone to a national cemetery, put that on your bucket list people. It is moving. Every one of those soldiers has a story. A story work telling; a story work remembering. Don't do it for me. Do it for yourself. It's something you will remember long into the future.

Rick Foreman, the president of Post 9, told the BVD that Memorial Day started out during the Civil War as Decoration Day, a day to decorate the graves of soldiers who died during that conflict.

"It progressed form there. And it's remembering the fallen heroes," he said. " If you forget your history you end up repeating mistakes. History is a big thing. The American Legion is here to help preserve their memories and keep Memorial Day going, for patriotism and citizenship."

In addition to hosting observances on holidays related to the military, Post 9 puts up 104 flags around town on every national holiday and tends to all the roadside fatality markers between the Missoula County line and Simms.

Next month the Legion will host their annual flag disposal at Hooper Park on Flag Day, June 14, at 6 p.m.


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