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Race to the Sky/Jack Beckstrom Bridge Dedicatio

The long awaited bridge dedication is finally just ahead. The US Forest Service and Montana Mountain Mushers have joined together to dedicate the new bridge across Beaver Creek Road, near Lincoln. The sign commemorates Race to the Sky and its beginnings through today, Jack Beckstrom's part in seeing the race happen and history of the race. There will be representatives from the organizations to speak briefly about the bridge/sign. Everyone is invited.

The US Forest Service, Lincoln District, placed a permanent bridge over Beaver Creek giving multi-use access for Race to the Sky trails connecting Lincoln to Seeley Lake for the 300 mile sled dog race held every February. Recently the Forest Service built a permanent bridge over this section of "Race Trail" and we would like to celebrate.

We will have a Bridge Dedication on Saturday, October 8 at 3:30 p.m. on the bridge site which is near the Beaver Creek Campground just outside Lincoln, MT.

Directions: About half a mile west of Lincoln is a road called Beaver Creek Road, head north on Beaver Creek Road, (you are on the flats near Lincoln but will be climbing slightly to rolling hills), stay left at the Y (on Beaver Creek Road) to Pine Grove Campground, go through campground, (about 5 miles from highway turn-off), at the north end of the campground there is an ATV parking area. Park there and the bridge is about 100 yards from the ATV parking area right on the creek. The campground is about 5 miles from the highway turn-off near Lincoln.

Representatives will share Race to the Sky's rich race history, Jack Beckstrom's vision for distance racing in Montana and the 80th anniversary of Camp Rimini War Dog and Reception Training Center near Helena. Beckstrom was a well-known dog musher from Kalispell area who was very active with Race to the Sky from 1986 until his death in 2018. He was an icon in the dog mushing community and in Montana, mentoring, teaching and working with dog mushers.


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